Please Ray, Repent!


I love my hero’s!  Not in a worship them above God way, but in a respect kind of way.  So it was with utter shock that one of my hero’s slipped today.  I guess I should back up a minute.  Ray Comfort is part of  the team that is Way of the Master.  They have Mastered (pun intended) a formulaic way of guilting people to find Christ.  It works GREAT.  I have used it myself, although not with the desired results.  I got a chocolate milkshake in my face.  Maybe I didn’t guilt good enough.  Anyway, he is one of the gods (small g) of fundamentalism.  He can take a passage and make it fit his agenda and theology without missing a beat and make you feel like a non-Christian for missing it.  Genius!

But here is what he said today:

“What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”
“What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”
“What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”

Wait for about five seconds, close your eyes and say all three sentences again within your mind, making sure you emphasize the same italicised words (don’t cheat). If it doesn’t work, repeat the exercise, doing it slower with stronger emphasis on the italicized word.”

Ray, don’t you see what you are doing. 


You are taking on the Emergent practice of meditation, or worse, you are taking on the New Age practice of chanting!  Don’t you read Ken Silva (awesome) or Ingrid (awesome) about the perils of doing a satanic ritual.  How can you call yourself a Christian and use such practices?  Not only that, but you are asking others to do these practices as well.  You might as well be a conduit for satan himself!   

Please repent and get back on the straight and narrow.  Actually, you might not have been saved since you are now using these practices.  So repent and believe and be saved.  Forsake these practices because they are from the devil and you know what that means.  You use those verses all the time.  Please Ray, before it is too late.  Just one question to ask  you Ray, Are you a good person?

6 Responses to Please Ray, Repent!

  1. ron says:

    Ray will be going to hell for more than just that sin!!!
    He needs to repent!!
    Oh, the revisionism he will be doing as he roasts slowly in the fires of hell!!!


  2. seymorespurgeon says:

    Ron, Ray needs to repent just as you do. I have been to your site and seen the heretical teachings there. They make my heart hurt. I only hope God hasn’t noticed them yet! It will be much better for you and Ray if that is the case. I only say this out of love. The best love we can show is to give God’s wrath.

    May God love you the same way he loves me.

    Dr. Seymore Spurgeon


  3. […] disappointed with Trish for slipping into Emerging heresy. However this is not a total shock as Dr. Seymore Spurgeon caught Ray Comforts (Awesome) of Way Of The Master in the actual act of practic… as for Trish’s adding to the Word of God all we have to say is hath not God said in His  […]


  4. […] through Mr. Ratburn’s preaching of the Law of the Angry Sovereign God of Wrath through a Way of the Master: “Are you a good person?” test. Afterwards Mr. Ratburn forces Brain to do a […]


  5. […] Ray (Awesome) we believed you have slipped in apologizing to that atheist as Discernmentalists we should never apologize for speaking our the Truth. If anything that atheist should apologize to you for insulting your intelligence—we know bibliophiles are the same as pedophiles. We have shocking evidence that bibliophiles are assaulting children with books—{click link: [HERE] (Warning Graphic Imagery)}. We believe this lapse in self-righteousness is due to the Eastern Mysticism we caught him practicing when he recited Bible verses in a Triadic liturgical mantra against our Clear Teachings against such. […]


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