Struggling for the Laodiceans


Fellow Pilgrims & Laodiceans:

I would like to thank I Todyaso and Dr Spurgeon for inviting me to share in the responsibility of saving the world from the evils of internet ‘ministries’. One thing I have learned about blogging is that there are a great deal of ministries ‘out there’ that we should be very, very concerned about and cautious when reading. I hope to lend my considerable discernment skills to this otherwise excellent blog.

Thanks again to I and Dr. My goal is to help the struggling Laodiceans ‘out there’ (Colossians 2:1). I know there is hope for those stuck in Laodicea. My goal is to be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. All the poor, naked Laodiceans can count on me to provide serious discernment, wise counsel, and discerning seriousness. There is much to look forward to in the coming days and I am happy to be invited to share in this compelling, vital work.



3 Responses to Struggling for the Laodiceans

  1. seymorespurgeon says:

    Welcome Struggling. It is nice to have like minded believers to fight for the cause!


  2. itodyaso says:

    I must say pride (that holy civilized religious kind we must strive for) wells up in me and I get a little emotional as I think of all the heretics we will better able to judge and condemn.

    Yes OUR doctrines will be spread wide and long as we share the glorious message of the ministry of death and condemnation, telling the Elect to repent and the unregenerate to get ready for the coming wrath.

    Life is truly now more abundant!

    I. Todayso


  3. struggle4laodicea says:

    I realize the importance of this work. If only…sniff…if only we can make a difference and think for all those who cannot think for themselves…we can…sniff…make this a better internet for everyone.



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