Steve Camp backpedals and soft sells sin!

We here are a little confused as just as I was publishing the last great and well researched post, I took another look at Steve Camps blog and was greatly disturbed to see this disclaimer!

In case you missed it last night on Idol, the contestants sang “Shout To The Lord” again; this time the name of Jesus was left in! Great to see our Lord proclaimed through that song in that venue – regardless of the motives of some (Phil. 1:15-18). Amen?”

 No Steve, unlike you we cannot compromise on this important issue of pointing out Mark Driscoll is still Emergent! You can be soft on OUR Truth and wimp out on the Truth War all you want, but we here will stand firm on OUR TRUTH and against people who are sympathetic towards apostates like Driscoll. Be warned you are now on the “watch list”.

I might add that in the very next post, Steve shows some Emergent loving tendencies. Good gracious and wrathful God what is next?!? Will Steve also go speak with other Emergent Church leaders Doug Pagitt, Rob Bell at the Interspiritual Seeds of Compassion Event with Dalai Lama! We here hope not as the last thing this world needs is more compassion!

Quoting Steve Camp:

I am privileged to be invited back on the Michael Corley program today to debate Darrin Patrick on the subject of contextualization, the emerging church, and biblical evangelism. I have never met Darrin, and though he is part of the emerging movement, I have heard some good things associated with his church’s ministry in St. Louis.

This is not the Steve Camp we have come to love. Please repent and return to the true Discernmentalist you once were. I once heard you do a song called “Don’t tell them Jesus loves them, unless you are willing to love them to.” which in my naive younger daze thought was great. I was so happy to hear you renounced all that as sin. You of all people are worthy to attack others for their foul mouths.**

Jesus Wept,

I. Todyaso

* “Early in my own musical journey I wrote songs that neither represented good music or precise theology. My motives were vitiated; my actions were not godly; and my lips were unclean. The thirst for prominence and position made my heart prideful, judgmental and callused.”  Steve Camp

 **Look under TONGUES OF CONFUSION section for Steve Camp






9 Responses to Steve Camp backpedals and soft sells sin!

  1. Chuck says:

    Just visiting your site for the 1st time. I have one question. Have you followed the Biblical mandate to confront people 1st face to face. You can make someone sound bad by taking what they say,and making it say what you either want it to,or misunderstanding what they said,or taking it out of context. Oh,and by the way, slander is still a sin. You sir need to check,and verify before you spout off things in an unbiblical,and out of order manner. I promise to pray for you that you come to a more Biblical,in line with scriptural order attitude.
    Please take this in an honest to God concern. Sincerely,
    Philemon 25


  2. itodyaso says:


    I think you sir, need to take your own advise and read this blog more carefully. Go and read a few more of our posts before you sit in such condemnation and judgment (which we like here) on us especially me (God anointed pastor/teacher/editor/general at arms/power that is/mega Bible ruler of the known copyrighted blogosphere/non plagiarist/student now master of Ken Silva/anti monkey’s with guns Internet Guru and Shepard of the Internet that I am.

    May OUR God grant you most wrath and suffering in the apocalypse!

    And God saw that it was good,
    I. Todyaso


  3. Your judgemental spirit is sickening,it also shows you don’t really know who Steve Camp is.

    Andrew Diprose
    (saved by grace through faith and not compromising with sin).


  4. itodyaso says:

    If you allow compromise like this Andrew, you do not know Steve Camp. After all he was one of my mentors and I gained a lot of the tools I use here from how he treats people.

    I. Todyaso


  5. Tom says:

    I know this blog is a little old, but I can’t help but comment.
    There is an old saying that goes something like this: “Christianity is the only army that shoots it’s own wounded.”
    Sorry if I butchered the saying, but my point is that I have seen so many Christians not only point out flaws in other believers (which they should), but they fail to do it in love and as a result don’t restore that brother or sister, but they turn them away and leave them worthless for the kingdom of God.
    Unfortunately I know too many people in this boat myself. One friend of mine has lost trust in fellow Christians, because when he went for help about a matter he was struggling with, the person rebuked him and brought the whole matter before the Church.
    I believe that doctrine is very important and should not be compromised, but if we forget love (not wishy washy love either) then although that doctrine might be 100% biblical, it only serves to make others choke. If you get my meaning.
    Yes God is soveriegn, but He is soveriegn dispite us.


  6. aj says:

    i’d love to know where “steve” got that t-shirt he’s wearing?


  7. […] Steve Camp is now even LESS judgmental than he was a year ago. We told you something was amiss as Steve Camp seems to be deleting great ODM sites like Slice and […]


  8. Cindy says:

    Steve Camp is a narcissistic, tyrannical leader. He makes up his own rules and expects everyone else to abide by them, but his pride won’t allow him to admit any fault or God forbid to abide by any of the rules he imposes on everyone else. If you’re in his little fold, then you’re accepted. If you’re not, then you are doomed to Hell. He is the most divisive and condemning person I have ever known and everyone who is under his teaching is the same way.


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