Trinity Broadcast Network Denies the Trinity


In an exclusive Online Discernmentalist Mafia (ODM) expose we found that the Trinity Network denies the Trinity. ODM quoted a Trinity Network spokesman as saying “We didn’t actually know what Trinity meant….none of us in the TV network had ever studied theology – and when we found out what it was – we were startled….we could not find the word in the bible…” Nevertheless, we discovered that Trinity Network has now been recently bought out by the Unitarian Church of America and re-branded “Unitarian Broadcast Network.”

2 Responses to Trinity Broadcast Network Denies the Trinity

  1. mountainguy says:

    hahahaaha…., off course, between “T” and “U” is one letter of diference.


  2. Samuel Lang says:

    Noone can be saved without the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, nor be santified without it. God’s kingdom in us comes in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. The 10th chapter of Romans uses the term “unto”
    salvation and “unto” righteousness but the word “unto”
    means to continue confessing and continue believing “until” the Holy Ghost comes. Jesus says in Isaiah 51:6, he will not abolish his righteousness. The result of not preach what Peter, Paul, and John preached is a powerless Church that has a form of God.


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