How can I quit Online Discernmentalist Ministry’s (ODM) without gaining weight?

overweightFirst, there is the simple fact that the truthiness  and ODMs slows down your metabolism. This effect lasts for about 30 minutes after each article. On giving up the truth-warrrior-discernment articles, you can burn more than 150-300 calories per day. But that depends on how many truth articles you imbibe and your individual metabolism.

Second, ODMs also has the effect of suppressing your appetite; probably by blocking the chemicals in your brain allowing you to think rationally. By reducing your ODM intake one can move into the realm of rational thinking – but its not easy.

The ODMafia advocates reading more TRUTH articles (mostly ours) and staying away from anyone who dares criticize ODMs (especially us). Gain weight if need be – but to be sure you NEED our articles to stay fresh, cutting edge and on top of false teaching. Therefore, if you are going on an ODM diet we recommend ODMafia once a day (for health reasons of course) while weening yourself off other  ODMs.

Remember, let us do your thinking for your!

2 Responses to How can I quit Online Discernmentalist Ministry’s (ODM) without gaining weight?

  1. Arthur McJohn says:

    I think this would be good for John Hagee


  2. itodyaso says:

    I would recommend a fine Spurgeon Cigar as a substitute.. but really you should quit all other ODM sites and only depend on the ODMafia for you soul information. We are here for us… so you should be also!

    I. Todyaso


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