Discernmentalists Using Social Networks To Target People

Internet shopping for heretics

Users of social networks are giving away vital information about themselves and their whereabouts that is being used by Discernmentalists to create a list of heretics, according to a new report by the British-based ministry Legalism & Over-generalization.

The report “The Digital Discernmentalist,” found 38 percent of users of sites such as Facebook and Twitter have posted status updates detailing their theology and 33 percent have posted status updates saying they are looking for a new church.

In addition, 23 percent of social media users have discussed theology “wall-to-wall” outside the privacy of their own page and 17 percent have reported seeing people’s theology posted on pages that can be seen by strangers.

“There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Discernmentalists are using social networks to develop relationships with people to identify likely heretics,” said Michael Stalker, reformed Discernmentalist and star of the BBC’s “Beat the Discernmentalist” series.

  concerns about

“It is incredibly easy to use social networking sites to target people, and then scope out more information on their actual beliefs using other internet sites like Google Street View, all from the comfort of the sofa.”

3 Responses to Discernmentalists Using Social Networks To Target People

  1. truthslayer says:

    It’s all true…I found 6 heretics today alone on Facebook!


  2. Arthur McJohn says:

    I’ve found lots of heretic groups in facebook, like christian anarchists, christian existentialists, christian pacifists, quakers, mennonites, etc


  3. truthslayer says:

    Arthur, now that you have found them…you must attack them with gusto.


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