Cult leader exposed? One of our own…


Our readers are aware that our research robot monkeys never sleep. Deep in a lead lined, electromagnetic pulse proof bunker deep in the earth they work tirelessly to expose the truth and the underbelly of all that is false. (mostly everyone). You can rest assured that if we say it here it is gospel truth and you must not question or doubt anything we print in electronic form. We decide what is true, it is your duty to believe it without question.

Under the noses of many discernmentalists and avid followers of Take A Stand Ministries we have discovered that Eric admitted out in the OPEN that he is a DANGEROUS CULTIST!!!

Don’t believe us?

Take a look at the DVD that Eric himself uses to out himself. It is highly unusual that a discernmentalist will accuse himself of being a cult leader (but sometimes our rational is convoluted -so you must understand), but Eric’s sharp shooting discernmentalism has beat him at his own game…. he’s that good.

Our research robot monkeys have been wrestling with the fuzzy word next to Eric’s name for several minutes… using a special research robot monkey discernment algorithm. Acquiring the latest technology in discernmentalism forensics ( ie Corel Draw 4, ) we have determined that the word next to Eric is inconclusive. As a discernmentalist we demand answers, and shun any ambiguity whatsover (inconclusive is a bad word!) Therefore, we have decided to insert what we THINK the word is regardless of how that might effect Take A Stand. We care so much about the truth that we are willing to overlook it to prove how right we are. By inserting words into texts that may or may not be there and drawing all sorts of strange conclusions is what a discernmentalist does.

Remember, let us do the thinking for you so that you don’t have to!

The ODMafia, making truth as simple as back and white.


PS (on a serious note) I recommend the following for a serious look on how to do a proper evaluation Pastor Scott’s blog.

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