John Piper Becoming Purpose-Driven

Our Research Robot Monkeys thanks to  Ken Silva’s help have uncovered a new scandal for Discernmentalists to expose: Warrengate. Warrengate is scandalous because John Piper (soft on heresy) has invited  Rick Warren (emergent apostate snake) to speak at one of  his Desiring God Conferences. This is evil because not only is Rick Warren (purpose-driven apostate serpent) a snake—we have reason to believe that he is a chameleon too. Here is what Rick Warren (postmodern Roman Catholic loving Jesuit chameleon) may look like on any given day:

We are disappointed that John Piper (soft on heresy) would try to make  his Calvinism Purpose Driven as we Discernmentalists are not Purpose Driven people. We are especially not driven by the sole purpose of converting (forcing/coercing) all Christians into being stark raving maniacal Right-Wing Christo-Fascist Dortian Calvinazis. In fact we are so disappointed that John Piper (soft on heresy) would invite a heretic like Rick Warren (Walt Disney’s gay-loving clone) to one of his conferences that we must call Piper’s salvation into question—as we have reason to believe that Piper has rejected the holiest of all Christian doctrines: Limited Atonement. The Apostate Arminian Today caught Piper’s error regarding the atonement:

“After much study of God’s Word, I have come to the conclusion that the Calvinist position concerning the doctrine of the atonement is outside the teachings of Scripture. For many years I have taught that the Calvinist position on the atonement was absolutely correct. I taught that the atonement was the elect. Jesus died to save the elect to the glory of God. I taught that God the Father sent the Son to glorify His name by dying in place of the elect and through His Spirit He now draws them unto Himself. I was incorrect.

I now teach that the atonement was for all and this truly brings glory to God. For many years I have sought to exalt God through faithful teaching of His Word. I have tried to emphasize that the Westminster Confession of Faith is correct when it say that the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. This is accomplished best through the unlimited atonement of Jesus Christ. God is glorified and His honor is proclaimed when we declare that Jesus died for all men and that all men can be saved through His atonement. What a wondrous work is Jesus’ death and resurrection! How mighty is our God!”
We are outraged as Limited Atonement is the very Discernmentalist Gospel itself—the very fact  that God chose and froze to only save us Discernmentalists alone in our Discernmentalist methodologies but He didn’t choose to save you in your non-Discernmentalist methodologies. Afterall without belief in the Limited Atonement how will we be able to tell who is apostate: Emergents, Arminians, etc.—for without belief in the Limited Atonement we wouldn’t be able to practice divisionism and divisional ecumenism in separating ourselves from the unsaved. This is why we must put a stop to Rick Warren (Obama supporting socialist apostate chameleon heretic) and John Piper (soft on heresy) ‘s Purpose Driven Calvinism and return everyone to the Pure Bible-based Doctrines of Dortian Calvinism.

7 Responses to John Piper Becoming Purpose-Driven

  1. Joseph says:

    I initially felt shocked to hear that Piper, whose writings I deeply admire, had invited Rick Warren. Here’s my analysis of Piper’s video defence of Warren for consideration:


  2. Mike W says:

    I also am deeply grieved that John Piper invited Rick Warren to His conference. But thankfully He did not renounce or deny limited atonement


    Click on this link to the original post and then click on he tab that say’s, click HERE to read more about the article.


  3. Tyler says:

    Sorry man.

    Ignore the angry comment. Consider it directed at the actual discernment bloggers. Not the satirical kind. 🙂

    Feel free to delete that last one. Someone sent me this specific post before I read through the entire blog.

    I love it. I love the tagline because it points out the absurdity going on in much of the discernment blog-o-sphere.

    Blessings, and keep up the good work! This is actually pretty awesome.


  4. […] is“John Piper inviting Rick Warren to speak at his national conference. Why would John Piper do […]


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