Chris Rosebrough Caught Secretly Supporting The New World Order


Recently our Research Robot Monkeys discovered shocking and startling information about Chris Rosebrough in the form of a comment left on his site by one Squirleywrath. Squirleywrath uses a Masonic symbol for his avatar yet Chris Rosebrough never censored this eventhough Freemasons are the secret agents of the New World Order. Given these facts our Research Robot Monkeys can only conclude that Chris Rosebrough secretly supports the New World Order himself. We have Absolute Proof—behold the evidence speaks for itself:

Shame on you Chris! You should know better than to leave NWO symbols unfiltered and uncensored on your site. We would never do such a thing given the problems with Freemasonry as noted by the top agency of a panel of our brightest researchmentalists:

The Eight Problems With Freemasonry

  • 1. The prevalent use of offensive concepts, titles, and terms such as “Worshipful Master” for the leaders of the lodge; references to their buildings as “mosques,” “shrines,” or “temples”; and the use of such words as “Abaddon” and Jah-Bul-On,” the so-called secret name of God. To many, these terms are not only offensive but sacrilegious.
  • 2. The use of archaic, offensive rituals and so-called “bloody oaths” or “obligations,” among those being that promised by the Entered Apprentice: [listed in original] or that of the Fellow Craft degree: [listed in original] Or that of the Master Mason: [listed in original] Or that of other advanced degrees with required rituals considered by many to be pagan and incompatible with Christian faith and practice. Even though these oaths, obligations and rituals may or may not be taken seriously by the initiate, it is inappropriate for a Christian to “sincerely promise and swear,” with a hand on the Holy Bible, any such promises or oaths, or to participate in any such pagan rituals.
  • 3. The recommended readings in pursuance of advanced degrees, of religions and philosophies, which are undeniably pagan and/or occult, such as much of the writings of Albert Pike, Albert Mackey, Manly Hall, Rex Hutchins, W.L. Wilmhurst and other such authors; along with their works, such as Morals and Dogma, A Bridge to Light, An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and The Meaning of Masonry.
  • 4. The reference to the Bible placed on the altar of the lodge as the “furniture of the lodge,” comparing it to the square and compass rather than giving it the supreme place in the lodge.
  • 5. The prevalent use of the term “light” which some may understand as a reference to salvation rather than knowledge or truth.
  • 6. The implication that salvation may be attained by one’s good works, implicit in the statement found in some Masonic writings that “Masonry is continually reminded of that purity of life and conduct which is necessary to obtain admittance into the Celestial Lodge above where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides.” (LA Monitor, page 79) Even though many Masons understand that the “purity of life and conduct” can only be achieved through faith in Jesus Christ, others may be led to believe they can earn salvation by living a pure life with good conduct.
  • 7. The heresy of Universalism (the belief all people will eventually be saved), which permeates the writings of many Masonic authors, which is a doctrine inconsistent with New Testament teaching.
  • 8. The refusal of most lodges (although not all) to admit for membership African Americans.

(As reported by the Home Missions Board, SBC, 1350 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30367-5601)

We all must take a stand and come against this abomination so along with Ken Silva we ask thatIf you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order — Kingdom of Antichrist — in their daily news, then we need your support to stay on the Internet. The sword is coming, and coming both quickly and with enormous power. But, most people, including most Christians, do not see it coming. Will you be a “Watchman On The Wall” with us?”

9 Responses to Chris Rosebrough Caught Secretly Supporting The New World Order

  1. donjobson says:

    Tisk tisk tisk…


  2. rzhblog says:

    Thanks for warning all true spiritual discernment persons about this matter.


  3. rzhblog says:

    A close look at Squirleywrath’s avatar exposes an Arizona flag in the lower right hand corner in addition to the Freemason’s symbol.


  4. dFlix says:

    great website….
    interesting post!


  5. I really enjoy following these stories It absolutely makes the afternoon.


  6. 9/11 says:


    Bitter sweet blog, right on! How long does it take to make something like this?…


  7. Holli Yeary says:

    I’ve been which means to learn this and just by no means obtained a probability. It is an issue that Im very considering, I just began reading and Im glad I did. Youre a great blogger, one of the best that Ive observed. This blog surely has some info on topic that I just wasn’t aware of. Thanks for bringing this stuff to light.


  8. thinkinhard says:

    This isn’t Parody… This is good old-fashioned “false-hood”. Btw, doesn’t the bible say something about that…??


    • itodyaso says:

      The thing that makes this a parody/satire, is that it is based on the truth that people like Chris (Ima gonna sue you!) Rosebrough do to others. So, while we agree this sort of thing is spoken about in the bible, we are addressing the wrongness that people like Chris do to others, with humor. The other thing is that we used an actual screen shot. The Freemason icon was there and is dated for that day. You may have changed it since then, but was there… and was accurate.


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