Rick Warren Threat Level!

This is Ken Silva approved, Quote Ken, “Hey…cool.” He likes it!

9 Responses to Rick Warren Threat Level!

  1. Wes says:

    This is hilarious. I rarely actually laugh out loud on the internets, but this got me.


  2. valkyrie says:

    Fix you threat level meter. Your meter shows six levels; you only mention five. Be consistent folks!

    Funny site btw. 😀


  3. itodyaso says:


    Are colorblind! notice there are two shades of orange one is yellowish orange and one is more orangish orange.

    You need get your eyes checked.

    I. Todyaso


  4. rzhblog says:

    I think you need to add another threat level after John Piper invited Rick Warren to Minneapolis to give a keynote speech at the Desiring God Conference in October 2010. Why Rick Warren would want to go to Minneapolis in October when he lives in Orange County California is a mystery. Everyone knows the time to go to Minneapolis is September to see the State Fair and go to the Minnesota Renaissance Faire.


  5. […] into the sky Sunday, prompting the evacuation of dozens of people and renewing concerns of a major eruption in one of the world’s volcanic […]


  6. jimbs says:

    I think you should adjust the needle here just maybe a 1/16″ of an inch to the left because earlier this year Rick was photographed sitting next to Chuck Smith at an evangelistic outreach where Warren spoke and hundreds were won to Christ. Of course, this also means that Chuck Smith’s threat level needle (if one exists) is now bordering just to the left of Warren’s…


  7. sweettina2 says:

    Rick Warren wants to be head of the one-world religion in America. Nothing less. False prophet of the worst kind.


  8. […] our Rick Warren Threat level alarms were alerted to a new sinister Purpose-Driven Seeker plot by the sinfully-ecumenical […]


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