“Are you serious?”


We have been asked so many times lately “Are you serious?” so I decided to do a page dedicated to just how serious we are.

There are many blogs out there that are as serious as you take them. We are one of them. If you take Slice of Laodicea or CRN or Ken Silva’s personal website in all it’s glorious missivness, serious, then yes, you better take us even more serious. If you do not take these people serious I doubt you will take us serious so you should just hope you are regenerate and repent.

I hope that clears the rumors up about what we are all about.

I. Todyaso

44 Responses to “Are you serious?”

  1. This is awesome! I love the way you refuse to get out of character.

    Drop me an email at michael.krahn@gmail.com


  2. Jeff says:

    What arrogance and what hatred of the Church of Jesus Christ you display so proudly as pagans of the most deceitful sort–as those who would disguise themselves as actually being of the faith. You boast and laugh at your own apostacy when you ought to be repenting of it. In this, and if you ever were truly saved, you reveal that you are among those to whom the book of Hebrews describes as being “impossible” to ever return back to Christ after rejecting Him and attacking his church. However, my guess is that you–like so many emergents–grew up in the church and yet were never saved in the first place…as evidenced by what has become manifest here on your silly little cess pool of a site. You learned just enough about the faith, the scriptures, church history, doctrines, and even the language of Christendom to make yourselves better-disguised wolves in your attacks upon everything and everyone you have never liked about Christianity. You believe that because you now have the internet and a collective group of other apostate renegades, who find company in misery, that somehow you now have the power you always wanted. This ‘need for power” or “need for a voice” may date back to your teen years perhaps, at the church your parents made you attend and listen to things in church you simply rejected about a God you never accepted? Well, that very real God of creation sees right through your paper bag, knows who you are, and knows precisely when you will stand before Him in judgement in the future. I have this feeling there won’t be any blog-laughs, crude jokes, nor cutting criticism of those who care deeply about reaching the lost with the Truth (like Dr. MacArthur does) on that day. Is it because you yourself have yet to be reached by Truth that you find those who declare it your enemies? It appears so. Nonetheless, I will pray for you.


  3. itodyaso says:


    I like you… I suggest you go to Chris Rosebrough and let him know that we agree with you about crude jokes!

    Keep spreading the truth! You are doing a great job.

    I. Todyaso


  4. Hello!

    The site is quite tongue in cheek….takes the HOT AIR out of some of the discernment ministry blow hards that seem to set themselves up as the religious police.

    I had thought about starting my own satire/parody – but evidently you clever guys beat me to it…..

    Any way to contact you guys at all? thanks again

    I will certain drop by again!


  5. mountainguy says:

    hahahaha, May God bless you guys. I’ve been a little bored last months since Wittenburgdoor website hasn’t published anything. Keep on the fight, you discrernmentalists!!!


  6. TheGround says:

    Is there a way to join by submitting material?


  7. Bloody Wanka says:

    Haha! As a non-christian all i can say is HAHA!
    I cant find one single blog that teaches some serious stuff about Jesus. It appears that all christians can do is mocking of everything: of us and of themselves.
    Is there anyone doing serious talk out there? I read the Bible other day and Jesus looked very serious to me. Then i tuned in christians today, and they are all MOCKING of all kinda stuff!!! HAHA, disapointing. xit.


  8. iggy says:

    Hey BW,

    On the serious side here for an answer…There are some good blogs out there and of course some bad ones, yet a blog is not the best place to learn about God, Jesus or Christianity. Blogs are about opinions… and rarely facts. I do have a personal blog where I talk of God, Jesus, religion in general and keeping faith in the post-modern world.
    You can read it here:

    I also have a variety of other blogs that do teach, some are liberal and some conservative… but all express faith in Jesus in some way that you may find of interest if you are truly searching.

    I do agree that we Christians should not be mocking unbelievers… and this site does not do that… if fact it mocks the believers that mock everyone. = )



  9. Joshua says:

    The Onion of Christian heresy reporting!


  10. truthslayer says:

    Joshua- how dare you compare us to a vegetable (and a flavourful one at that) and a worldly satire! U have nerve…if our Research Robot Monkeys have their way U will be banned for a full 300 (yes that is right – 300) seconds!!!!

    Besides….we prefer to be compared to the “3 toed sloth of Christian heresy reporting!”

    But do come by again!


  11. […] Parrot attack on this blog I searchedĀ  for the source of this high traffic.Ā Ā  It turned out the guilty party causing increased traffic to this blog was a WordPress blog that does satire of Spiritual […]


  12. rzhblog says:

    Joshua needs to repent of slander as your blog is better satire than “The Onion”. Being tired of all the spiritual discernment junkies who blog without sound discernment, it is refreshing to find a blog that makes fun of these self appointed spiritual discernment police in Christendom. Keep up the great work.


  13. truthslayer says:

    RZHBLOG – We come against all slander…unless it is us doing the slander and then its ok. Besides our slander is really about discernment, while others who slander are really about slander.


  14. centralityofthegospel says:

    Do I need to repent of being a Christian?

    Keep up this site! I love it!


  15. rzhblog says:

    Is there satire in CRN using one of my Flickr photos without my permission?

    Photo Used Without Permission by CRN

    I have filed a public protest on the matter on my Flickr website and my blogs. Odds are they will find it all a joke as self righteous as they tend to be.

    The photo was of Mark Driscoll at the Crystal Cathedral after giving two sermons.


  16. Aaron says:

    it may look holy,sound holy but if it does not line up with word of GOD IT IS NOT HOLY. [ BEWARE] YOUR SOUL IS AT STAKE


  17. itodyaso says:

    Aaron, I am so glad you back us up. We need to spread the fear and hate as far and wide as we can as it represents the Holy DOCTRINES that we hold in our heart. My our DOCTRINES bless you my son. (or daughter)


  18. truthslayer says:

    re: AARON : MMMMMM….did someone say steak??? MMM MMM!


  19. Why do christians get so defensive when a liar amongst us is exposed? Paul said cast them out…well? Satire is great and has its place.


  20. Shawn Beaty says:


    I love this blog! I love the term Discernment Mafia! Those guys are pretty ridiculous. I have been a Pastor for 15 years and about twice a year someone in my congregation stumbles onto them and I have to teach them about how absolutely un-biblical and down right divisive the discernment mafie actually is

    Blessings to you guys for having a sense of humor!


  21. TruthSeeker1961 says:

    Truth is not relative, nor subjective. Those who read this thread and throw rocks, truly do not understand the tactics taken here to promote truth and smash those who try to pervert it. Emergent, New Age, Ecumenical, and those who fall into this category, truly do not understand the deception taking place into the ‘Church’ today. We have been invaded by very crafty wolves in very real looking sheep’s clothing. People better start reading their Bibles themselves and stop depending on Sunday morning pastor’s to interpret it for them. Matt. 24:4


  22. itodyaso says:


    I really doubt that is you TRUTHFUL name. But here we go. We back everything you stated here on this site… so THANK YOU! We hold to truth reject; justice as that is to “emergent” and reject any type of ecumenical action that brings together different denominations (unless we all agree to hate those we choose to collectively hate!)

    We also agree that everyone should read the bible but never meditate on its words, contemplate the meanings or seek what God is saying in those verses… Like you we promote only mindless reading and instead of listening to your pastor’s sermons we suggest only listening to sermons by Spurgeon, Calvin or Luther.

    One must never think outside the box… I mean that was already done for us by Calvin and Luther!

    Peace to you and hell to those who oppose us!
    Unity in hate!

    Oh BTW have you read anything by the author K. Rivello? I think the bookButterfly Dreams would be an interesting read to you.

    I. Todyaso


  23. Tom Bel-Air says:

    Atheist here. You are all morons. I’ll happily have an e-mail argument with you to prove it. Reply to this and I’ll post my e-mail.


  24. itodyaso says:


    After reading your other comments I realized who the moron really is. And whether I email you in character or as I really am, I choose to be kind and not do so as it would be unfair to you.

    I. Todyaso


  25. Arthur McJohn says:

    Tom: don’t you realize what satire is?


  26. truthslayer says:

    Tom, you are going to debate over something you have failed to realize is satire? Now that is funny! Perhaps you should write for some of the ‘discernment groups’ we satirize?

    If you don’t believe us see Arthur McJohn’s quote above!


  27. Cialis says:

    8MMEsN Excellent article, I will take note. Many thanks for the story!


  28. Terry Brookman says:

    God knows!


  29. […] has been planning hisĀ first public appearance for years, but wanted to make sure the public would take him seriouslyĀ enoughĀ first. Hopefully more public appearances will follow […]


  30. Clinterous says:

    Is religion an excuse for some people to act like nutters?

    I don’t have a problem with being spiritual as we all have this side to us in some shape or form.

    Vicars seem to be reasonable down to earth people living a relatively normal life. But where do these religious obsessors come from, how are they developed, where do they breed from? I just think they are mad and fail to see life for what it really is! Absolute nut jobs, hiding their insanity behind religion.

    Anyway, more importantly, for tea this evening, I’m having fish and chips, with pickled onions; followed by a Magnum. Up the hammers!


  31. levelsofillusion says:


    With regard to “hiding their insanity behind religion”… [see above]


  32. Kevin Figgins says:

    Hi, You do realize one of your whipping boys is a ghost? Sliceoflaodicea is a dead site. It doesn’t forward anywhere, hasn’t for about a year, so maybe they smartened up? Anyway, your dead links and references to a non-existent site aren’t helping your website.

    BTW – I appreciate the humor and attempt to marginalize the “discernment’ foolishness, but to be honest, it took me a while to figure out what your blog is really about. I’m still not sure I know yet, maybe that’s what you want, but if your are believers, (and this is my opinion — I could be wrong) I am not sure this satire accomplishes anything worthwhile except a few laughs and some satisfied egos. I think it goes in the category of Christian in-fighting even if it is dressed up in satire… its the same thing that the ones you mock do, just a different approach. The non-believers that comment on here see that too and find more reasons to reject Christ.. and that can’t be good.

    Is it wise? Is it fruitful? Is it Christ-like? I don’t think so, but maybe that’s just me.

    — If I got it wrong, and you are actually some agnosto-athiest Christian haters… well then ..have fun with it while you still have time left.

    Weird how I can’t tell the difference. Maybe its just me.

    God Bless you either way.


  33. levelsofillusion says:

    … “If I got it wrong, and you are actually some agnosto-athiest Christian hatersā€¦ well then ..have fun with it while you still have time left.”…

    What a line!

    …”agnosto-athiest Christian haters”ā€¦

    Don’t you think it is possible for people to find Christianity silly WITHOUT hating Christians? Do you NEED to have that “hate” element in there to make you really feel like you are in some kind of battle?
    …Well, of course you do. Without believing that people hate you where would you be? Nothing quite as humiliating as being irrelevant is there?
    Listen. Everybody isn’t terrified by death. Everybody doesn’t need a scheme to deny the fact that we are animals. Everybody doesn’t want to surrender their intellect for a silly promise of pie in the sky. They don’t hate you. They don’t even consider you relevant.
    But I guess that is even worse for you, isn’t it?

    Hey, I say Jesus in the mozzarella cheese on a slice of pizza yesterday. I can’t even begin to tell you what a profoundly life changing experience it was for me.


  34. What arrogance and what hatred of the Church of Jesus Christ you display so proudly as pagans of the most deceitful sort–as those who would disguise themselves as actually being of the faith. You boast and laugh at your own apostacy when you ought to be repenting of it. In this, and if you ever were truly saved, you reveal that you are among those to whom the book of Hebrews describes as being “impossible” to ever return back to Christ after rejecting Him and attacking his church. However, my guess is that you–like so many emergents–grew up in the church and yet were never saved in the first place…as evidenced by what has become manifest here on your silly little cess pool of a site. You learned just enough about the faith, the scriptures, church history, doctrines, and even the language of Christendom to make yourselves better-disguised wolves in your attacks upon everything and everyone you have never liked about Christianity. You believe that because you now have the internet and a collective group of other apostate renegades, who find company in misery, that somehow you now have the power you always wanted. This ‘need for power” or “need for a voice” may date back to your teen years perhaps, at the church your parents made you attend and listen to things in church you simply rejected about a God you never accepted? Well, that very real God of creation sees right through your paper bag, knows who you are, and knows precisely when you will stand before Him in judgement in the future. I have this feeling there won’t be any blog-laughs, crude jokes, nor cutting criticism of those who care deeply about reaching the lost with the Truth (like Dr. MacArthur does) on that day. Is it because you yourself have yet to be reached by Truth that you find those who declare it your enemies? It appears so. Nonetheless, I will pray for you.


  35. Forest says:

    Some of us do know what satire is. I see it so so strongly on this site that it almost jumps off my screen and slaps me in the face. But the truth is, Christians should not be mocking other believers, and anyone who is one would feel in their heart that it would be wrong to do so. I don’t know if you claim to be Christian or not. If yes, you would then say that you only mock those who you feel are phony. Then I suggest you take this whole thing a little more seriously, because while I ado see some phonies being made fun of, I also see genuine Christians being made fun of.

    In order for satire to work correctly, the person doing it has to take themselves and the subject matter seriously, and then turn it into a joke in order to make a point. Otherwise it’s just someone making fun of things… and this is basically what I see here.


  36. Brother nice post ,have a big time!


  37. centralityofthegospel says:

    Whenever I need to take the world less serious.. I stop here and look around at all the sphincter tightening responses you get here !!!!!

    Honestly some of these guys can pick up a piece of rice with their …. ummmmm … rear ends!!!!!!


  38. Oh gosh… I’m glad I decided to check out the rest of your blog and found this… Especially after reading some of your blog and responses… Point well taken though I’m not sure this is the best way because of how many people read this and get worked up because they do not realize the sarcasm/ satire. Also, maybe I didn’t read your site clear enough, BUT are you believers and followers of Christ? Because I’m guessing that since the majority of people who read won’t realize it is supposed to be a satire- it’s going to further portray Christians in a negative light… Ironically, in a sense, you are becoming like the people (truth discerners) you mock. You think they are stupid for thinking they know it- thus you are smarter them- and you display this superiority by mocking those you consider to be wrong! At least that how this blog comes across after realizing this was only supposed to be a satire- a mockery…
    Either way, cheers! Take care guys!


  39. jeannie says:

    what a waste of a site. You’ve set yourself up as the judger of watchman on the wall. This site is full of it’s own brand of mockery and as one post noted, it’s a joke. You don’t have anything eternally serious and valuable to say, you’re just blowing your venom against sober serious believers who love Jesus Christ. “the devil is the accuser of the brethren.” maybe you should read the Word and lay yourself low before the LORD instead of doing the devil’s bidding…


    • Mark says:

      jeannie wrote: “… youā€™re just blowing your venom against sober serious believers who love Jesus Christ…”

      Well, Jeannie, there seems to be a very fine line between “sober serious believers” and the mentally ill who are hiding their illness behind a religion label. Which one are you?

      I have to laugh out loud when the “sober serious believer” spews out venom daily, breaking many commandments and many of Jesus’ teachings in the process, and then they are SHOCKED when they get some sarcastic teasing in response.


  40. Infonaut says:

    keep up the GREAT WORK


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