Our Doctrines being Corrupted by Articles on the Internet

March 25, 2020


Once again our fragile Doctrines are under attack as they have been corrupted by articles posted online. Thankfully none of our own totally  twist Scripture nor missuse the Greek language. Especially not our Pope of all Truth John MacArthur (PBUH) who is the Greatest source on the Bible of all time as he rejects most of the church and teaches Pre-millennial Dispensationalism (which was only invented in the 1800s).

For as we all know the Church immemorial has taught the Doctrine of Amillennialism and that the “snatching up of saints” speaks of the Resurrection of saints not some secret rapture.

This is why we the ODMafia must Take a stand in our Discernmentalism.

100s of Discernmentalists Stricken with “Discerna” Virus… Center for Discenmental Diseases reports

March 12, 2020


In a pandemic of epic proportions the Center for Discernmental Diseases (CDD) reports that 100s of Discrnmentalists have been affected by the “Discerna” virus. Eric Barger has already discerned: “I suppose those who are writing or repeating that sort of condemnation believe that only a select few are “woke” enough to walk the straight and narrow of political correctness. What about “Lime Disease,” the origin of which is Lime, Connecticut, or “Ebola,” named for a river in the African Republic of Congo, or “Zika” or “West Nile,” both of which originated in Uganda, or the Swine Flu, from, you guessed it, pigs? How far will the PC nonsense go!?”

Other Discernmentalists have discernmentalized that the “Discerna” virus is a moral good for Ayn Rand’s social-Darwinism.

So if you or any of your loved ones have been stricken by the “Discerna” virus—-the ODMafia recommends mothballs for your protection. Only $9,999! Act now and get a Holy HAND GRENADE free with purchase…results may vary.


UK looks at Online Discernmentalist threat on London

March 11, 2020



A17P_1_20120813_19500389UK officials are studying whether a Online Discernmentalists leader blamed for the character assassination of John Armstrong poses a credible threat to the UK, a top UK military official said on Wednesday. They have committed other character assassinations in the past and are therefore concerned. “Everyone is quite riveted on analyzing that and seeing what further we can find out,” UK Army General Rick Warren said in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Stay tuned to NDC (Nationalist Discernmentalist News Networks) for further updates.


Where you have Islam bad things always happen

March 9, 2020


And here in America these things don’t occur with Christianity? Sex abuse, adultery, child abuse, embezzlement, etc.

“I wonder if the same people would say the same things about Islam. Just wondering…..I was just doing what the socialists do on every Islam thread. Now that hypocrisy has been exposed……Use others peoples money unwisely…Today’s socialism is all about control..I have friends who are catholic but they have been seduced by Satan and are not true Christians….Your opinion is therefore irrelevant….No you do not accept the facts that most Roman Catholics do not practice basic Christian teaching.”—Mr. Kish. I believe Kish is filling in for Sandi – she handles the “There are no good Muslims because of Islam” concession here at RNS.

ElSandi said so—that makes it so. All we need to know about Islam we learned on 9-11. Muslim apologists are a politically correct sickness. People remember Islamic terrorists events more because there are so many of them. The only reason they are immigrating to North America is to act as the Trojan horse for their god.

I’ll admit that the “lone wolf” approach of most rightwing extremists is ugly and awful because these people plot what they’re doing well in advance and seem quite trained in weaponry, just like the Islamic terrorists that the left so ardently defend. That S.O.B. in Christchurch clearly knew what he was doing and could probably duke it out physically if he had to. Disgusting.

Meanwhile, the P.C. ninjas on the left are sad, stupid physical specimens–the women are usually fat and more physically intimidating than the waiflike men. And they mostly flail around swinging their arms stupidly and suckerpunching anyone and everyone without discrimination…except for blacks/Hispanics/gays who challenge leftist orthodoxy; they hate them the most! But what’s sad is how much support they receive by other leftists. It’s so bad in Portland that the police are told to stand down to make way for this “anti-fascist protest group” that smashes windows, beats up elderly men, bombs ICE detention centers, and shoots up ballparks or country music festivals in Las Vegas (yep, the media desperately covers up that leftist mass shooting!). We have mayors and even governors (Virginia) who are perfectly okay with this. Unreal. And just like the Klan that serves as a major source of inspiration, the AntiFA do everything with masks on. It was Democratically controlled South in the 60s when the Klan go terrorize blacks with full support from the political class; it’s Democratically controlled cities where KlantiFA can operate unchecked. History repeats itself.