Under Attack by one of our Own note…

November 26, 2019


Name Withheld has openly assaulted Discernmentalists as he has stated: “Instead of fretting over a non-issue how about being concerned with the wrath of God.” Name Withheld should know better than that as a fellow Discernmentalist—he should already know that in order to show God’s wrath and expose our Doctrine to all we must fret over every little thing. Clearly Satan is hiding around the corner and in every minuscule little thing that we personally disapprove of. We must make an issue out of every “non-issue” and make non-essentials essential as that’s the very heart of the Gospel of Discernmentalism.

And making mountains out of molehills is our specialty as Deborah of Discerning The World (DTW) has passed this spiritual gift of worldly attack and circular arguments on to us which we have far since surpassed her in our “special” gifted-ness and self-righteous anointing.

Many well-known and greatly esteemed preachers and teachers have absolutely no qualms whatsoever about their association with some of the weirdest, worst and most dangerous false prophets in these last days’ of exponential apostasy. Here are a few well-documented examples.

STEPHAN JOUBERT: In cahoots with Leonard Sweet, Rob Bell, Ron Martoia, Johan Geyser, Trevor Hudson, Nelus Niemandt, Eugene Peterson and Jan van der Watt, to name but a few.

JOHAN GEYSER: In cahoots with Stephan Joubert, Thomas Keating, Leonard Sweet, Rob Bell, Ron Martoia, Trevor Hudson, Thomas Merton and other false teachers in the mystically engineered Emergent Church, to name but a few.

TREVOR HUDSON: In cahoots with Stephan Joubert, Johan Geyser, Theo Geyser (who manages to see Jesus in a sangoma/witch doctor without the help of his glasses), Thomas Keating (who in turn is in cahoots with the integral guru, Ken Wilber), Ron Matroia and Rob Bell, to name but a few.

Obviously Name Withheld is lacking a steady diet of good Truth Warrior Worrier Discernment ministries like ours and Discerning The World (DTW)‘s. One word of warning to Name Withheld: “hell is real; hell is hot”—so either get in line; take a stand and get right with us first or else.

Once again setting our high standard over everyone so get over it,

Don Jobson

Update: Name Withheld continues his attack—defends Spurgeon against Deborah and our CLEAR Teachings.

The homosexual who wrecked an empire!

November 19, 2019

The ODMafia research robot monkeys were the first to break the case!  Super-gay-guy found to have single handedly destroyed an entire empire. According to our very accurate research by our electronic monkeys this man was bent on creating an all gay army; men in tights!

We believe that this covert army began to gay-i-fy the entire army, and then the entire nation. It was their goal not to allow woman to vote, drive or to own property – thereby securing rights for the secret gay groups that ran amuck! We heard now that they are ruining chicken restaurants—how the mighty have fallen!


Truthslayer—where’s the beef?


October 31, 2019


Discerning The World notes: “Ok, just to let you know. My blog is going on a trip, it packed it’s bags and moved into a comfy little server room. I’m just re-decorating the furniture. All my articles have been moved across and comments moved across as well. Except the the last 2 days, there might be some that I will have to manually copy across.”

Since then Discerning the World, the great preventer of truth-decay has moved here.

Keen discernmentalists everywhere believe that it should be called DISCERNING THE WORLD FOUR. An uber-genuine authentic blog for uber genuine authentic Christians” Still according to our research robot monkeys  NOW 100% more truthful than it was in its previous incarnation (we do not insinuate or imply that DTW is emulating or replicating Jesus’ incarnation, nevertheless if they were we can assure you that it would be 100% biblical). Adjusting for accuracy using our quantum probability discerner generator we may still be off as much as 60%-70%. Any mistakes are blamed on Rob Bell.

In terms of being genuine….the site promises to be MORE

1) Absolute

2) Unvarnished

3) and Unimpeachable

We believe that only a true ODM can achieve such marvelous goals and still undermine the character of others and call it ministry. ODMs everywhere are excited for version number 4!!!


Obama decreed

October 26, 2019


Blast of gas from Past ODM News reports: Eric Barger of Take A Stand Ministries notes “In essence, what Obama decreed on December 17 gave INTERPOL agents the right and ability to operate as an untouchable police force with unquestioned and unrestrained authority inside the United States.”

I guess now INTERPOL has the same jurisdiction as the CIA and NSA? We believe that the CIA should be able to do anything it wants, to anyone, and anybody to preserve our way of life. When INTERPOL does it to get terrorists its wrong. We concur.

Truthslayer still in horror over Obama

Discerning The World (DTW) Discerns Rob! Part 1

October 23, 2019

tj200810261747-1In keen Discernmentalist fashion Discerning The World (DTW) quotes Rob Bell:

Rob Bell – The Original Guerilla Theatre: throwing ourselves into this ancient, sacred art form with the absurd, naive, antiquated belief that the world needs inspiring, provocative, comforting, dangerous, healing, great sermons now more than ever

We are not sure exactly what that quote means ….BUT….using Discerning the World’s newly invented  STRETCH technology (Survey Truth Revise & Exaggerate Truncate Cacophony of Hagiomania)  -we get the following re-interpretation….

[DTW note: What Rob Bell REALLY means here.   Ancient, sacred art = paganism, occult.  By art they actually mean the craft or ‘art of the craft’.  In short it means this:  The experience and feeling you can attain by following ancient sacred knowledge by practicing certain disciplines.

ODMAfia note: We like the added emphasis that DTW gives for interpretation ie What Rob Bell REALLY means…

Despite the fact that readers are given almost no context (which is an effective discernmentalist tool)….could not “ancient, sacred art” mean conveying stories or parables (just like ancient men did,  like Jesus used????) to convey truth through narrative?

We like the fact that DTW uses insinuation…another effective tool of attack against the unrighteous.  We are also pleased that DTW has replaced the Roman Magisterium with themselves as the ultimate interpreter of all that is Rob Bell, Emergent or any other “defective” Christianity.

We are thankful for the Discerning the World  MAGISTERIAL interpretation of Rob Bell by using STRETCH. Thanks guys!

Discernmentalists should be….

September 12, 2019


From the research our robot monkey’s have made, our over generalizations, and laissez au faire attitude to research we have found that we think  Eric Barger’s Take A Stand Ministries believes discernmentalism should embrace these qualities….and so do we!

* Opinion over Reason

* Absolutes over mystery

* Misquoted phrases over reality

We also believe in a lax attitude towards true research.

* Presumption over Truth

Put bluntly, the Discernmentalists  is a complete  definition of true discernment.   It is unquestionably about using untruth to defend truth. We believe in absolutes because we are secret modernists….but that is ok because we love the bible with absolute certainty. Moreover without intentional misquotes we discernmentalists cannot look like champions of truth! In fact, misinformation is the best way to safe-guard God’s truth.

Remember, discernmentalist truth fears investigation….just believe us instead!


Breaking: Emergents now attacking Truth Warriors with Psychic Powers!

July 24, 2019


Oh the horror! Recently one of our Research Robot Monkeys noted that Emergents are now hiring psychics in a last ditch effort to undermine the Absolute Truth and Certainty of the Truth Wars. We here at the ODMafia can’t say we didn’t see this coming from a mile away as we know Emerging emergers love their mystical webs of confusion. Emergents also love Mystery over Certainty as well as coffee; candles and couches—but they’ve yet to be observed in the presence of garlic. We also have reason to suspect that these Emerging vampires have merged with Mothra feminists in order to ramp up their newly found psychic abilities in order to assault unsuspecting Truth Warriors in the field of battle for our Truth. Other noted ODMs are now in the midst of battling for our Truth—researchmentalizing new techniques in Spiritual Warfare to curb these assaults.

Breaking: Rick Warren Reemerges with Purpose… Seeker-Driven Machine!

June 2, 2019


Rick Warren’s new Seeker-Driven All Purpose Machine of Doom

Truth War Digest- An Old Enemy Reemerges with a New Threat:

Recently our Rick Warren Threat level alarms were alerted to a new sinister Purpose-Driven Seeker plot by the sinfully-ecumenical purposeful pope of all things seeker-driven-ness against our Clear Teachings that life just like the church must be as purposeless and terrible as possible. Just listen to this hideously apostate and heretical quote: “Through his Word, God helps you to see life through a different perspective. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (NIV). God’s Word gives us direction in life; it shows us the path God wants us on.”—Rick Warren

Elsewhere Todd Friel (Wretched) [who only wishes he were half the discernmentalist as we are—otherwise he would have detected Warren’s new hideously apostate Seeker-Driven Purpose machine before we did] has discernmentalized:

Friel highlights comments made by Warren in a conversation between him and the Orange County Bishop Kevin Vann which he says were way too ‘ecumenical’ and lacked distinction between the two strands of the Christian faith.

“The Roman Catholic Church has led so many people away from truth,” says Friel. “We committed to pray for each other,” said Warren about his growing friendship with the Bishop. “I’m sorry, I wouldn’t ask a Roman Catholic to pray for me,” responds Friel. “Those prayers are not being heard especially if they are offered to a saint or to Mary.”

We know God doesn’t listen to the prayers of anyone unless they believe in our Doctrine first and that none of our Godly ministries have purposes nor are they seeker-driven. This is why we must call all our Truth Warriors to unite around our Doctrine and help us take a stand and put down and submerge Rick Warren’s new threat of a sinisterly sinfully-ecumenical (against our Clear Teachings against such) seeker-driven machine of purpose.

Extra! Extra! Smocking Gun: Pulpit & Pen/Planned Parenthood One and the Same! More Evidence…

May 13, 2019


It took longer to recharge our Research Robot Monkeys than we thought as we had to recalibrate Eric Barger’s Smocking Gun machine for them to use. Afterwards they stumbled upon this quote attributed to our boogie man George Soros on a highly questionable site run by QAnon members which means it must be authentic and not a manufactured quote that we made up  by ourselves. This proves the smocking guns against Party & Propaganda aka Bulpit and Pen now Planned Pulpithood (PP) that Eric Barger’s machine found since George Soros (Nazi man in picture in his 20s when Soros was around 9 years old at the outbreak of WWII) funds abortionists and crisis actors.

In fact Planned Pulpithood themselves have stated that  George Soros (Nazi man in picture in his 20s when Soros was around 9 years old at the outbreak of WWII) who funds abortionists and crisis actors also funds Evangelicalism and SBC groups of which Planned Pulpithood are a part of. Quote:

Pulpit & Pen (aka now as Planned Pulpithood) has been exposing George Soros’ funding and partnership of Russell Moore and James Riady’s funding of Ligon Duncan. In reality, both Soros and Riady have been funding numerous groups and speakers who are represented at the The Gospel Coalition, Together for the Gospel, and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. However, much of their funding is “Dark Money” contributions that come not directly from Soros or Riady, but from a series of “foundations” (sometimes the cash goes through nearly a dozen foundations before it reaches institutions like SBTS, TGC, the ERLC or RTS).

We also now have reason to suspect that George Soros (Globalist Billionaire) funded the people that inserted liberal unbiblical Bible verses such as these into our Pure Bibles:

  • “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and please the widow’s cause,” (Isaiah 1:17).
  • “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).
  • “But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and every herb, and neglect justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others,” (Luke 11:42).

Is their anything Planned Pulpithood via George Soros (Globalist Billionaire)’s funding will do to destroy the purity of Doctrines? I’m sure also that George Soros (Globalist Billionaire) funded the internet to fabricate pro-Social Justice quotes by Luther and Calvin as well.

“After the devil there is no greater human enemy on earth than a miser and usurer, for he desires to be above everyone. Turks, soldiers, and tyrants are also evil men, yet they must allow the people to live . . . ; indeed, they must now and then be somewhat merciful. But a usurer and miser—belly desires that the entire world be ruined in order that there be hunger, thirst, misery, and need so that he can have everything and so that everyone must depend upon him and be his slave as if he were God.” “Daily the poor are defrauded. New burdens and high prices are imposed. Everyone misuses the market in his own willful, conceited, arrogant way, as if it were his right and privilege to sell his goods as dearly as he pleases without a word of criticism.” “He who has nothing to live should be aided. If he deceives us, what then? He must be aided again.” —Luther on Usury

Thankfully there’s no real dirt on the Billionaires that fund our pet causes.

Your Nightly Heretical Quote

May 11, 2019


“As a Christian, my highest calling is not motherhood. As a Christian, my highest calling is to follow Christ.”~the late Rachel Held Evans (heretical liberal feminist Marxist Postmodern unbelieving apostate baby-killing promoter perverter of our Pure Gospel)

Now we all can agree with the Bible when it says to follow Christ and to hate the things of the world that we may place above Christ that prevent us performing our highest calling to follow Christ—but that’s the Bible. This is different as the above quote was uttered by a known heretic the late RHE (heretical liberal feminist) which makes it blasphemous as she is on record in attacking our Clear Teachings of Biblical Manhood and womanhood. In fact this quote is so blasphemously heretical  that I’m now rereading a classic by Neo-Confederate rape-apologist Doug Wilson in order to counteract this feminist assault on our Pure Doctrines. My co-Truth Warrior Dr. Itodyaso had to reorder several copies of the Truth War and go back to hiding out in our Sanctification closet in order to re-perfect our humble Ministry of Bible-based Wrath and Disgust. Dr. Truthslayer has our Research Robot Monkeys researchmentalizing more Biblically-appropriate quotes such as these gems gleaned from Doug Wilson (Neo-Confederate rape-apologist)‘s A Conservative Arian LibertAryan Manifesto for Biblical Manhood and womanhood plus a defense of slavery:

  • “That our nation did not remove slavery in the way it ought to have been removed helps explain many of our nation’s problems in dealing with contemporary social evils. Those evils include abortion-on-demand, radical feminism, and rampant sodomy.” (Source)
  • “But women who genuinely insist on ‘no masculine protection’ are really women who tacitly agree on the propriety of rape. Whenever someone sets himself to go against God’s design, horrible problems will always result.” (Source)
  • “Slavery produced in the South a genuine affection between the races that we believe we can say has never existed in any nation before the War or since.”
  • “Slavery as it existed in the South was not an adversarial relationship with pervasive racial animosity. Because of its dominantly patriarchal character, it was a relationship based upon mutual affection and confidence. There has never been a multi-racial society which has existed with such mutual intimacy and harmony in the history of the world.”
  • “One could argue that the black family has never been stronger than it was under slavery. It was certainly stronger under the southern slave system that it is today under our modern destructive welfare state.”
  • “Ironically, if slavery had not been so pleasant an experience for the majority, this mentality would not likely have such a strong hold upon the minds of some of their descendants today.”
  • “And nothing is clearer — the New Testament opposes anything like the abolitionism of our country prior to the War Between the States. The New Testament contains many instructions for Christian slave owners, and requires a respectful submissive demeanor for Christian slaves.”
  • “I agree that true and ultimate authority/submission must be grounded within the Godhead. I agree with (Wayne) Grudem there. Now someone will point out that they don’t see how it is possible to have “authority and submission within the Godhead coupled with complete ontological equality” without that position logically entailing three wills, which would then be heterodox. I frankly confess that it would be heterodox, and that I don’t know how there can be anything resembling authority and submission with only one will. I get the problem. But I also don’t see, and on exactly the same grounds, how there can be anything like a Father and a Son with only one will. If I could do the math on this kind of thing, I would be a good deal richer than I am. So Fatherhood is ultimate, and Fatherhood is ad intra. The Fatherhood of the Father did not come into existence after the decision to create the world. It is not in any way dependent upon the decision to create the world. And so there should be no more difficulty in saying that the Son is eternally obedient than there is in saying that He is eternally begotten. His existence is obedience — eternal obedience, obedience that could not be otherwise. The Father’s existence is authority.” (Source)

We only pray that none may accidently fall upon that heretical quote by the late RHE (progressive Emergence radical femimarxist apostate Pastrix guru) and get corrupted into believing in such unbiblical ideas like equality. We do fear Miley Cyrus among others but when we pray Imprecatory prayers to our Angry Sovereign God for our sons’ and daughters’ possible salvation, the influence of Miley Cyrus is rarely (albeit not never) what we pray for God to protect them from is blasphemous quotes such as that one by the late RHE (Postmodern gay-enabler feminist heretic) above.  We’re now praying this  prayer of protection against our many enemies and their affronts on our Pure Gospel of Biblical Manhood and womanhood:

“Father, we pray that the angel of the Lord would chase them down. We pray that You would set for them a dark and slippery place, and that the angel of the Lord would persecute them there. They have hated us without any just cause at all, and they have devised all their plots without any good reason. We ask You therefore to rise up and defend us. Stand in the pass behind us, and lower Your spear against them. Turn them back from their wicked attacks. Rout them, we pray. Chase them like chaff in a stiff wind. We pray that You would string Your bow, sharpen Your sword, make ready all the instruments of death. Ordain Your arrows to fly against those who persecute the righteous. Make their mischief to roll back on their own impudent heads.”—Dr. ITodyaso