Update: I. Todyaso agrees with Don Jobson about Devil Worship at the Super Bowl

February 15, 2024

I agree with Don Jobson that there indeed was a demon-summoning at the Super Bowl as:

“I myself have been a forty-five year student of the satanically inspired, centuries-old conspiracy to use government, education, and media to destroy every vestige of Christianity within our society and establish a new world order. Having read at least fifty books on the Illuminati, I am convinced that it exists and can be blamed for many of man’s inhumane actions against his fellow man during the past two hundred years.”

It has come to my attention that several mockers have attacked the purity of our Pope of our Truth Wars John MacArthur (P. B. U. H.) with libel and slander to them I say repent. Don’t they know that bearing false witness is a sin and that the only way for a Christian to settle a disagreement with an offending person is to contact them in person with 2 or 3 witnesses? The Bible is CLEAR about this.

Where was I—oh yeah I was adding to Don Jobson’s excellent discernmentalization about a most offensive person—Taylor Swift’s friend Ice Spice and her sinisterly satanic and New Agey hand signs. What’s next…pagan mysticism…pornographic divination. Blasphemy! I hope this clears up what’s really going on.

A 2nd witness,

I. Todyaso

Elon Musk Rating Scale

June 2, 2023

Thumbs Up: He’s one of us good MAGA Alpha Russian-loving Patriots Free Speech Absolutist who censors 83% of anti-government activists upon governments’ requests

Thumbs Down: he’s still one of THEM (the satanic socialist Woke communist NWO fascist GLOBALIST PEDO Cabal of elites aka the Jews) as all we Qborons believed in collectivist unified droves yesterday—after all he loves avocado toast

I. Todyaso

Make Menstruation and Nocturnal Emissions Illegal!

June 28, 2022

Chastity Beltz (Pictured) protesting natural bodily functions

Church Busybody and all-around Know Nothing; Chastity Beltz, founder of the Right to Insemination is at it again—this time campaigning for further restrictions of rights pertaining to the natural functions of the human body. Her list of demands includes:

  • Making female menstruation illegal (unfertilized eggs is genocide—young ladies are killing innocent unborn life) the Bible gives legal precedence to imprisoning menstruators Lev. 15: 19
  • Making nocturnal emissions illegal (thou shall not spill thy seed— every day millions of unborn lives are murdered each night when young men have wet dreams)
  • Making it illegal for not just premarital couples but the old and infertile couples as well to have sex (sex is for procreation only not pleasure—the Bible is CLEAR on this: Gen. 1: 28) Infertile couples are murdering innocent unborn lives by not being fertile and post-menopausal women are violating the CLEAR TEACHING of the WHOLE BIBLE: Be fruitful and multiply as already stated sex is for procreators, not self-pleasurers

Time will tell if any of her demands are met by the Theocratic Court of America.

I. Todyaso

Conservative Christians arrested after post-Roe laws deem miscarriage illegal

June 25, 2022

Amos Thugger arrested on charges of causing Covid related abortions

Ameicanstan (near future)- a group of pro-life anti-mask/anti-vaxxers including Amos Thugger were arrested today on charges of being accessories to the crime of involuntary abortion aka miscarriage. The police explain that this was necessary because the current understanding of post-Roe rulings is that bodily autonomy is no longer legally protected so therefore refusal to wear a mask and/or get vaxxed during a pandemic is now a crime. Even more so now that refusing to wear a mask and/or get vaxxed has been deemed being abortifacient vis-a-vis causing the spread of Covid-19 thereby causing involuntary abortions aka miscarriage. Under post-Roe readings of the law, miscarriages have now been deemed illegal to save the Justice System the hassle of determining whether an abortion is involuntary (miscarriage) or voluntary—and anything or anyone that causes an involuntary abortion (miscarriage) is deemed the instrument of the crime/accessory to the crime. Police were able to trace a direct link to “maskless” and “unvaccinated” Amos causing a 10 yr old girl (his niece) that he raped to miscarry after contracting Covid-19 using medical records. Amos is expected to serve a 5 yr prison sentence followed by community service—his 10 yr. old niece is now on Death Row on the charge of murder.

China Threatens All with Bad Fortune Cookies

February 25, 2022

Russia isn’t a threat—it’s the Chinese. It’s always the Chinese. The Chinese gave me a bad fortune in my fortune cookie. The Chinese gave me an extra egg roll in my order. The Chinese helped me with my homework. The Chinese got the grease stains off my coat and tie. The Chinese bred my dog. The Chinese clogged my toilet. The Chinese stole my lunch at work. The Chinese didn’t return my bicycle. The Chinese were polite and quiet in the library. The Chinese got a promotion before me. The Chinese played the violin immaculately at my child’s recital and got first prize while my child came in last.

#LetsGoBraindeads #Antivaxxers4ThePro&FullyVaxxedTrump&Putin

Commercials Destroying White Conservative Christian Men

August 17, 2021

Brainwashing woke CRT propaganda —-why isn’t there a Pepsi WHITE—reverse racism

Oh the horrors—behold them:

Advertising Agencies (if you watch national commercials) are purposely featuring 50% or more of every commercial you see have all black actors or at least a black actor within the commercial. In fact the first commercial that airs within a stop set will feature black actors. When our country wasn’t viewed as “racist”, advertising on a national level—campaigns were built on population percentages, so it would be normal to see more white actors in commercials than Latino, Black, or Asian. Currently with America’s white population at 63%, 18% Latino, 13% Black, and 6% Asian, America’s Ad Agencies are controlling the WOKE and CRT narrative by forcing at least 50% of all national commercials featuring black Americans, not to mention giving the LGTBQ community a front seat to build “normalcy”—while ignoring the majority of Latino and Asian Americans.Tell me who’s actually pushing a racist narrative? What happened to simply be equal with inalienable rights—as Americans truly are? I love people. I love my neighbor, and I don’t see “skin color”. Sadly many do now. – LeeBertAryan

I’m not racist because I own a Chinese dog—white power. Is there nothing safe from the CRT/LGBTwoke agenDurs. Woke up sheeples. Why do everyone but us live in fear?

Don Jobson

Elvis Furtick Worship!

October 20, 2011

It grieves me that Todd Friel (Wretched) has caught yet another symptom of those heretical Postmodern Emergents: Pastor Worship. [Praise John MacArthur (P. B. U. H.)!] I mean just look at these idiots [Glory be to Spurgeon (the Prince of Preachers)!] here:

Thankfully you will never catch us worshiping men [Thanks be to John MacArthur (P. B. U. H.)!] instead of Christ. I mean just look at any of our Discernmentalist websites with all of their glorious missiveness [May Spurgeon (the Prince of Preachers) be pleased!]. Remember these words from Phil Johnson (Hugh Jass) on Spurgeon (the Prince of Preachers): “Today Spurgeon is widely beloved — not only Baptists, but even a man like Thielike! — and yet during his day that was not true. Almost everyone today wants to claim Spurgeon — they think of him as a big theological teddybar and theological neutral and devotional in his preaching.

And also these words from Todd Friel (Wretched) on John MacArthur (P. B. U. H.): “Yes, there are godly, Christ-centered pastors who have very large churches, but they are definitely exceptions to the rule. A few that come to mind are Dr. John MacArthur, RC Sproul, and John Piper. Unfortunately, the average “evangelical” no longer wants solid teaching, so the men who are standing firmly on Scripture are leading small flocks.” Thankfully you have ministries like ours and Todd Friel’s to “expose the truth behind this contemporary, emergent, tolerance, new age, relevance movement going on today.” And to show you “the similarities in the worship of men rather then Christ. How some Church Pastors are being worshiped, just like pop icons are worshiped.”

Pastor Steven Dilday Needs You!

September 19, 2011

Pastor Steven Dilday needs you to spread the fear and spread the hate against Roman Catholics and Protestants who wear clerical collars and vestments! Yes, we too want you to get behind this most pressing and urgent of issues in our zeal for the defense of the Pure Doctrines of our Truth War. How dare we let those grace-hating heretics wear inappropriate church-going attire in their church services! We must take a stand in Sovereign grace and Wrath and put a stop to this nonsense. We Know that Jesus would never approve of men who lead churches wearing dresses in their services. Clearly this must be the MYSTERY OF INIQUITIES: the BABYLONIAN ROAD BACK TO ROME! We must hate this unbiblical heresy against the Doctrines of Grace with A commendable hatred. So remember these words from the Truth War Gospel: “Liberty and Grace to you; hate the rest!”

Martin Luther On Alcohol

September 18, 2011

Accordingly if the devil should say, ‘Do not drink,’ you should reply to him, ‘On this very account, because you forbid it, I shall drink, and what is more, I shall drink a generous amount. Thus one must always do the opposite of that which Satan prohibits. What do you think is my reason for drinking wine undiluted, talking freely, and eating more often, if it is not to torment and vex the devil who made up his mind to torment and vex me.

~ Martin Luther

What an evil man! Clearly this proves that those closet Papists (Reformed In Name Only)—Lutherans are grace-hating man-loving carnal-minded semi-Pelagian reprobates. May God damn all those man-worshipping God-hating Lutherans or any RINO (Reformed In Name Only) Calvinist who quotes from that Satanist Martin Luther.

More proof that Martin Luther is an evil denier of the Gospel of Grace: he brewed his own beer in a place of worship at that—Pure Blasphemous Heresy. Clearly Luther was just trying to be “hip and cool” and “appeal to carnal pagan culture!”

Thankfully we like John MacArthur (P. B. U. H.) take a stand for the Pure Doctrines of the Gospel of Grace and believe that drinking even one drop of alcohol is a sin or even using an alcohol-based mouthwash.

Has Ultra-Truthwarrior Ken Silva Gotten Raptured Early?

April 13, 2011

Evil Emergents may have forced Ken Silva to get raptured early as Apprising has disappeared from the web: