China Threatens All with Bad Fortune Cookies

February 25, 2022

Russia isn’t a threat—it’s the Chinese. It’s always the Chinese. The Chinese gave me a bad fortune in my fortune cookie. The Chinese gave me an extra egg roll in my order. The Chinese helped me with my homework. The Chinese got the grease stains off my coat and tie. The Chinese bred my dog. The Chinese clogged my toilet. The Chinese stole my lunch at work. The Chinese didn’t return my bicycle. The Chinese were polite and quiet in the library. The Chinese got a promotion before me. The Chinese played the violin immaculately at my child’s recital and got first prize while my child came in last.

#LetsGoBraindeads #Antivaxxers4ThePro&FullyVaxxedTrump&Putin

911 Calls An Inside Job: Conspiracists say…..

September 11, 2021

Dial 911 an Inside Job top Discernmentalists say. Our Research Robot Monkeys have discerned that most 911 calls happen inside a building. 1-2 do the math….boogaloo. Conspiracy confirmed. It was observed that these calls sometimes contain strange behaviors…proof of something sinister going on. Boom conspiracy reconfirmed by confirming it without any proof whatsoever.

Keep spreading the woo,

Don Jobson

Google is Illuminati: CONFIRMED

August 22, 2021


Mr. Jesperson said: “There was no news of 10’s or 100’s of thousands of people around the world having serious reactions to the vaccines.”

So, no news equates it didn’t happen? Research how only a handful of corporations control the media. Ps…don’t use google for your search engine. Try swisscows or similar.

“So where is your evidence that vaccines are poisons? And where is the evidence that they do not work? The stats are as clear as can be.”

I’m glad you asked those questions, but I’m not confident my response will be allowed through the censorship filter on this site.

Simply research the supposed measles virus from a perspective outside the controlled narrative and you’ll see a different story of what “success” actually was. You seem to be naive to the fact that in America the corporations with the most money and power (chemical and pharma) get to determine what information is fed to the majority.

Swisscows is a web search engine launched in 2014, a project of Hulbee AG, a company based in Egnach, Switzerland.[1][2] It uses semantic data recognition that give faster “answers” to queries. In addition, Swisscows does not store users’ data.[3][4][5] Swisscows also deems itself “family-friendly”, with explicit results entirely omitted.[3][6][7] The website’s servers are based in underground data centers under the Swiss Alps.[8]

Swisscows uses Bing for web search, but has also built its own index for the German language edition.[9][7] It also has shopping search, music search (powered by SoundCloud), and a language translator powered by Yandex.

Swisscows=Bing=Microsoft=Bill Gates=Antichrist illuminati profits

Antivaxxers are the illuminaughty: CONFIRMED

Don Jobson

Slice of Laodicea (SoL) Notes America’s Spiritual Tower of Babel

April 22, 2021

SoL using the best DUMB technology that money can buy notes “What an unbelievable chaotic mess things are spiritually today. When the light of Christianity should be clear and strong in our land, it has been dimmed and in many cases put out, only adding to the spiritual confusion.” The Online Discernmentalists also do not want to confuse the good old days of America either with the Founding Fathers being Masons, Deists, Christians and Atheists. So we will ignore that part of history to make things fit so that we can look back at the golden age.

We at the Online Discernmentalist Mafia like other discernment ministries prefer a set narrative that confuses OUR facts with real life. We set the standard…you therefore need to submit to it.

 I have come full circle. There is a “New World Order” happening and there has been a lot of lies and deceit going around. It is very possible that Covid has been used to promote said New World Order!
I do think there are pedophiles in high up positions. Look at Bill Clinton and Kamela Harris talking for national women’s day???? What?!?! There is some evil shady stuff going on people. I don’t know about QAnon specifically, but I would not be surprised at all if there was a ring of high up pedophiles!

Stop elevating yourself above other Christians and start joining them in the Gulag. We need everyone! Accept your titles: homophobe, Bible Thumper, Jesus freak, racist, bigot, uneducated, paranoid, mentally ill, delusional, backwards, self-righteous, judgemental, sexist, toxic, priveleged, blah blah blah you know them all. They are just used to bully and neutralize TRUTH. The truth offends people!

The internet is run by people who hate God. We are being controlled.

My eyes are opened. The Gulags and concentration camps are being built.

Still fighting Truth,


Seeing Fearfully: An Important Discernmentalist Message!

May 17, 2020


Black thugs and ANTIFA are trying to destroy our beloved America—which is why we need our guns to protect us from our many enemies. Illegals are invading trying to over-run our God-ordained border—which is why we need Trump’s wall to hide behind. Muslim terrorists are trying to take us over and impose Islam and Sharia law on us—fear them and forbid them coming here. Scientists are trying to brainwash us into evilution and atheism—don’t trust em. Obama Bin Laden is going to lock us in FEMA Concentration Camps with his death panels and take our guns so that Crooked Hillary can rape our kids with pizza laced with Bill Gate’s chemtrail 5g vaccines. The Commies are coming. The Commies are coming. Fear THEM. Spread the fear; keep spreading the hate and spread the Conspiracy. Keep watching Fox News and listening to Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh. Never question US!

Why does the “Fake News” lamestream lying media and libturds want us to fear a non-existent entity? 



Rob Bell outed for ‘nearly pelagian quasi-universalism’…

April 18, 2020

Our team of fearless researchers began research on the topic  of “nearly pelagian quasi-univephonyrsalism” We  at the Online Discernmentalist Mafia like the idea of tainting others with “isms’ that sound dangerous, and labels that we do not understand. Therefore our team of keen truthers will continue to accuse and take anything out of context to support and further our side. Truth matters, especially Online Discernmentalist Truth. Afterall, discernmentalists realize that truth must prevail…even if it is based on distortions and fabrications.

It does not matter how the truth wars are won….just as long as we are on the winning side.

Truthslayer—are we Winning yet?

PSA: Jesus’ Disciples were neither Female nor Gentile

December 1, 2019


And we wonder why young people are leaving the church?
So the women who announced/preached to the disciples that Jesus was risen where wrong?
As were the many women who had house churches mentioned in Acts and the Epistles?
I don’t think so.

You are correct in one thing…people are leaving the church because they don’t want to hear the word of God rightly preached and told they are sinners.

Jesus had 12 men for Apostles (no woman) and the Holy Spirit used men only to write the New Testament (no women). Yes a women was the first to proclaim the risen Lord because women are not excluded from evangelism. Please refer to the Pauline letters about women teachers and leaders. People are leaving the Church because there is no power displayed due to the watering down and the compromise of the Gospel! Just because a woman is not allowed to teach (except to other woman and children) does not make them inferior in any way, they are the equal to men in the Lord. The lord has set a template for the running and execution of His will within His church, not your Church nor my Church but His Church!

imagesThere you go that settles it—though we must rebuke “Truth will set you free” for his incomplete Discernmentalism. Why stop there? Why not take it further—as we’ve already pointed out on God’s Only Inerrant Party that none of Jesus’ disciples were Gentiles—no not one. They were all Jews therefore only Jewish men are truly called to preach. We rebuke anyone who teaches otherwise as our Pope of all Truth John MacArthur (PBUH) is absolutely right but only teaches half of the Truth that will set you free. If ever I walk into a church and see a woman or Gentile at the pulpit I will leave and shake the dust off my feet. Not only that I’ll leave if they fail any point on our Scripture test about who is called to preach.

Forget what our Truth War Pope (PBUH) says—what does the Bible say in that one proof-text we always quote from when this subject always comes up? “I do not allow a woman to teach or have authority over a man.” Is that ambiguous? Am I missing something in the Pastoral letters? Those are the letters that specifically deal with who should do what. No “call” can be authentically from God if it contradicts the Bible. Amen! People need to think and use their brain’s because Paul didn’t say it for no reason. If you keep reading right after that Paul says what he writes are the commandments of the Lord (just don’t read Joel 2:28-29 nor Acts 2:17). It is a commandment that they stay silent and not to teach or use authority over the man. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. These women that teach and preach do not love God according to the Bible. Ya what’s the point in reading Gods word if you’re not going to live by it? Paul said the words that I write are the commandments of the Lord. He wrote that a women should be silent in the church and not to teach or use authority over the man. When a women is teaching or preaching its not being silent and it just shows the rest of us that she doesn’t love Christ because Christ said if you love me keep my commandments. The same book that tells her to be silent is the same book God is going to judge her with in the last days.

Under Attack by one of our Own note…

November 26, 2019


Name Withheld has openly assaulted Discernmentalists as he has stated: “Instead of fretting over a non-issue how about being concerned with the wrath of God.” Name Withheld should know better than that as a fellow Discernmentalist—he should already know that in order to show God’s wrath and expose our Doctrine to all we must fret over every little thing. Clearly Satan is hiding around the corner and in every minuscule little thing that we personally disapprove of. We must make an issue out of every “non-issue” and make non-essentials essential as that’s the very heart of the Gospel of Discernmentalism.

And making mountains out of molehills is our specialty as Deborah of Discerning The World (DTW) has passed this spiritual gift of worldly attack and circular arguments on to us which we have far since surpassed her in our “special” gifted-ness and self-righteous anointing.

Many well-known and greatly esteemed preachers and teachers have absolutely no qualms whatsoever about their association with some of the weirdest, worst and most dangerous false prophets in these last days’ of exponential apostasy. Here are a few well-documented examples.

STEPHAN JOUBERT: In cahoots with Leonard Sweet, Rob Bell, Ron Martoia, Johan Geyser, Trevor Hudson, Nelus Niemandt, Eugene Peterson and Jan van der Watt, to name but a few.

JOHAN GEYSER: In cahoots with Stephan Joubert, Thomas Keating, Leonard Sweet, Rob Bell, Ron Martoia, Trevor Hudson, Thomas Merton and other false teachers in the mystically engineered Emergent Church, to name but a few.

TREVOR HUDSON: In cahoots with Stephan Joubert, Johan Geyser, Theo Geyser (who manages to see Jesus in a sangoma/witch doctor without the help of his glasses), Thomas Keating (who in turn is in cahoots with the integral guru, Ken Wilber), Ron Matroia and Rob Bell, to name but a few.

Obviously Name Withheld is lacking a steady diet of good Truth Warrior Worrier Discernment ministries like ours and Discerning The World (DTW)‘s. One word of warning to Name Withheld: “hell is real; hell is hot”—so either get in line; take a stand and get right with us first or else.

Once again setting our high standard over everyone so get over it,

Don Jobson

Update: Name Withheld continues his attack—defends Spurgeon against Deborah and our CLEAR Teachings.

Take A Stand Ministries demonstrates “Truth Stretching….”

November 1, 2019

Every truth warrior knows that the first casualty in war is the truth. Of course the first casualty in a truth war to protect the truth is the truth. In order to protect the truth we need to spin, doctor, alter, change the truth because as all truth warriors know….truth falters, it is weak, and cannot defend itself on its own terms. We need to define truth at all times as absolute, and certain. We need platonic dualism (Driven by his desire to find an absolute certainty on which to base the search for knowledge) to defend truth. That is why Take A Stand Ministries is a master at truth stretching….actually this is quote similar to Discerning The Worlds “STRETCH TECHNOLOGY.” Nevertheless, ODMafia is fully behind this sort of discernmentalism.

Truthslayer….safeguarding the truth by spinning missives.

Reforming Christianity Downgrading?

October 27, 2019


“The clouds roll with thunder, that the house of the Lord shall be built throughout the earth; and these frogs sit in their marsh and croak ‘We are the only Christians’!”–Saint Augustine on the Donatists

“Christianity downgrading 500 years after Martin Luther posted his 95 theses to that church door.” says our Holy anointed Prophet; grand poobah; Most Illustrious; Most Inerrant; Most Infallible Pope of all Truth over the Truth War John MacArthur (PBUH). Now we know our Truth is downgrading as we’ve caught many among us teaching the heresy of Baptismal Regeneration* against our Clear Teachings on it’s Pagan-Catholic Origins. And we wouldn’t want anything Catholic in our churches nor to appear Catholic like calling Mary the Mother of God:

“So that whereas the Scriptures say that ‘God redeemed his church with his own blood,’ or that he was ‘made flesh;’ or whereas, in a consonancy thereunto, and to obviate the folly of Nestorius, who made two persons of Christ, the ancients called the blessed Virgin the Mother of God,–the intendment of the one and other is no more but that he was truly God, who in his manhood was a son, had a mother, did bleed and die. And such Scripture expressions we affirm to be founded in this ‘communication of properties,’ or the assignment of that unto the person of Christ, however expressly spoken of as God or man, which is proper to him in regard of either of these natures, the one or other, God on this account being said to do what is proper to man, and man what is proper alone to God, because he who is both God and man doth both the one and the other. By what expressions and with what diligence the ancients warded the doctrine of Christ’s personal union against both Nestorius and Eutyches, the one of them dividing his person into two, the other confounding his natures by an absurd confusion and mixture of their respective essential properties (Mr B. not giving occasion), I shall not farther mention.”—John Owen**

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I hope this shows where we stand in the downgrading of Truth—thankfully we have our Beloved Pope (PBUH) to show us the way as he (PBUH) has passed his knowledge on to us. In fact Dr. Itodyaso once preached on this very subject:

We know that Discernmeentalists are the purest of all “reformed” groups. It has been evidenced that since 1961 the SBC is becoming more and more Reformed. That should prove the deep history of the effect Paedobaptiphobe Baptists have had on the Reformation since Luther hammered the 95 Theses to the Wittenberg Door and set the enslaved celibate priests free to marry and drink beer (though Luther’s beer was non alcoholic as Jesus’ wine was!!).

Without the great teacher and historian John MacArthur (PBUH) we would all be lost in the history that so many claim is Christian history. We would not see the Truth of the Truth War that Real Christianity started in the 16th century with the Reformation. And that the Holy Spirit stopped speaking in the 16th Century-17th Century when the King James fell from Heaven and the oracles of Reformers dropped their founts of wisdom and  as soon as the Bible was written the Holy Spirit left so that no more miracles might happen. We now only have the Bible and God who is far away in heaven and Jesus who is on the throne in heaven and really has nothing to do with us until he returns and savagely kills all the apostate emerging church people; Catholic mystics and hippie Quakers or those who thought they got saved through women preachers and their sodomite loving ways.

We know the truth will set you free and we freely set it free so we can protect it and use it as a weapon against anyone that does not agree with us and our doctrines. Our weapons of spiritual warfare are not carnal but they are out of our doctrinal beliefs and out of correct beliefs. If  you do not believe as we do then you are just guilty and  worthy of our attack in the Name of our wrathful and angry God who hates sinners. We know that this type of belief is hard, yet we must not let easy believism corrupt the church. We must make it as hard as we can for someone to be saved by us via John MacArthur’s “doctrines” of Grace. So help us to help John (PBUH) spread the downgrade of our Truth for “to come to knowledge of Truth is to be Saved.”

And the Just perish for lack of correct knowledge of our Doctrines,

Don Jobson, Self-Proclaimed Ordained Gatekeeper and Defender of Truth; Pastor-Teacher-Ruling Elder over the Entire Congregation of the True Remnant of all of our Cyber-Brethern in Arms in the Truth War

*– “Great preacher Charles Spurgeon described “soul-winning [as] the chief business . . . of every true believer.” Step into soul-winning boot camp today with John MacArthur on “Grace to You,” as he studies the lifesaving mission God calls you to.”

**– “John Owen was a pastor-theologian of the Puritan era who understood sin. He really understood it. In his little book, The Mortification of Sin, a tremendous gift to the church, he wrote, “It is to be feared that very many Christians have little knowledge of the main enemy that they carry about with them in their hearts.””—John MacArthur