Devil Worship at the Super Bowl!!! ALERT!!!! Alert!!!!!

February 15, 2024

Our Research Robot Monkeys have been working overtime observing Satan in all things worldly and apostate. Satan is everywhere—he’s under your bed; in your closet; on the TV; why he was even at the Super Bowl—Satan literally appeared right beside Taylor Swift as her friend Ice Spice (a Satanist as discernmentalized by discernmentalists through bible-based osmosis) began summoning demons through Satanic hand signs. (Parents you might want to buy an ODM-endorsed mind-eraser if any of your kids saw those sinisterly satanic hand signs —they might want to imitate them and then you’ll have a summoned demon in your home and that’ll be bad cause you’ll have to call an Exorcist which is even worse as they might try to convert you to Catholicism (which is against our Clear Teachings against such). Mostly because Catholics are extra-sinisterly satanic as they celebrate Popish pagan Devil days like Christmas; Easter and Valentine’s —-which is also against our Clear Teachings against such.

In fact, we hate anything fun with a commendable hatred and so should you because fun is of the Devil.) This is all true and not anything any man made up to profit through ignorant fear-mongering by a biblical counselor trying to coerce a already married patient into marrying him, It’s true Satan Wants You and is coming for your kids through flying witches and UFO ALIEN SPacecraft and will rape them along with Chuck Norris—in fact we’ve heard that spreading Chuck Norris memes is how THey get your kids. Many people are saying… believe us. We know as we’ve been keeping track of the occult for years so Keep spreading the fear and conspiracy theories! Our Angry Sovereign God of Absolute Wrath will not be mocked!!

Protecting the children through fear and paranoia,

Don Jobson

The Gospel Coalition emerges as the Evangelical Left

January 11, 2022

Every time Moore publishes something I’m glad the SBC fired him. He’s right where he should be among the bitter evangelical left like CT that can’t forgive the 90% of evangelicals who reject his socialism.

Moore will become more bitter as he realizes that the evangelical left represented by CT, The Gospel Coalition and David French are less than 10% of evangelicals and his audience is a puny fraction of the SBC. The only people who care about his jeremiads are those who hate Christians, like the Atlantic. Moore justifies their hatred.

—Roger “My capitalism is God” McKinney

Silly me and here I thought the evangelical left were folks like Jim Wallis and Sojourners. And now I learn that no, the evangelical left includes everyone to the left of Hagee or Jeffries or Copeland. And we know they are Leftists because: …they go to leftwing, Christian hostile outlets like MSNBC, CNN, Washington Post, etc, regularly. French writes for the Atlantic sadly enough! Does it make more sense that they are sincerely seeking to correct wayward Christians with the purpose of bringing them back into the fold or are there ulterior motives for going to these outlets with their ‘jeremiads’ which seems only to reinforce what the viewers of those outlets want to hear- anti Christian rhetoric.

I may disagree slightly that I think there still remains a select few at CT, TGC that haven’t completely capitulated to the spirit of the age, but I think their time there is probably quickly coming to an end. And when that happens then I think they will have lost all credibility, but until that happens I hold out hope. It makes me wonder if French or Moore get paid to appear on anti-Christian media?

Thankfully our great Man of God (who defied Covid protocols and let the virus spread because pro-life is pro-love)—the Pope of all Truth John MacArthur (PBUH) would never appear on any leftwing, Christian outlet like MSNBC, CNN, Washington Post, etc, regularly.*

Standing right with the right-wing of Christian friendly outlets,



The American Revolution was a Fraud and False Flag

September 2, 2021

“The cause of the American Revolution was the issue of taxation without representation.”—typical brainwashed Sheep.

I never knew facts were democratic. People should believe what they’re told—the Goobermint and corporations really have our best interests at heart and rally loove us. (Trump Goberment Corp 2022) You can’t believe what the goobermint-corporate bought and paid Texas-books are trying to sell us. The Colonists really had Real Freedom under the British with represented taxation. They voted for these representatives too. Can you say Parliament? The Colonies were a Republic of States Rights; a Pure Capitalist utopia and paradise aka Freedom before the fraudulent American Communist Revolution ruined it.

The Revolution was a False Flag created by the CIA with Haliburton and Dr. Fauci’s help in order to invent mandatory vaccines (socialist tyranny) for profit and to control people as slave puppets of the New World Order. The CIA using quantum time machines made by Google and other monopoly holders went back to the Colonial era in order to install the Fascist tyrant and dictator George Washington as leader of the American “pinko” Revolution of enforced vax insanity.

“Finding the smallpox to be spreading much and fearing that no precaution can prevent it from running thro’ the whole of our Army, I have determined that the Troops shall be inoculated. This Expedient may be attended with some inconveniences and some disadvantages, but yet I trust, in its consequences will have the most happy effects.”—George “Marxist-Globalist” Washington

Source: Global Elitist Science Cabal

I wish people would do their own research and see what’s really going on. Just now our friend Truthslayer was attacked by Antiva trying to tickle him into silence with a Tickle-Me Elmo Doll. We’ve had to hide one of our own because the Deep State is against us. Please support us and our Crusade for Free Tinfoil Hats. Act now and type the code: HORSEMANURE on MyHorseDewormer and receive up to 66% off all horse dewormers and horse laxatives and Truthslayer will throw in a tinfoil hat absolutely free.

In horse pills I TRUST,


Google is Illuminati: CONFIRMED

August 22, 2021


Mr. Jesperson said: “There was no news of 10’s or 100’s of thousands of people around the world having serious reactions to the vaccines.”

So, no news equates it didn’t happen? Research how only a handful of corporations control the media. Ps…don’t use google for your search engine. Try swisscows or similar.

“So where is your evidence that vaccines are poisons? And where is the evidence that they do not work? The stats are as clear as can be.”

I’m glad you asked those questions, but I’m not confident my response will be allowed through the censorship filter on this site.

Simply research the supposed measles virus from a perspective outside the controlled narrative and you’ll see a different story of what “success” actually was. You seem to be naive to the fact that in America the corporations with the most money and power (chemical and pharma) get to determine what information is fed to the majority.

Swisscows is a web search engine launched in 2014, a project of Hulbee AG, a company based in Egnach, Switzerland.[1][2] It uses semantic data recognition that give faster “answers” to queries. In addition, Swisscows does not store users’ data.[3][4][5] Swisscows also deems itself “family-friendly”, with explicit results entirely omitted.[3][6][7] The website’s servers are based in underground data centers under the Swiss Alps.[8]

Swisscows uses Bing for web search, but has also built its own index for the German language edition.[9][7] It also has shopping search, music search (powered by SoundCloud), and a language translator powered by Yandex.

Swisscows=Bing=Microsoft=Bill Gates=Antichrist illuminati profits

Antivaxxers are the illuminaughty: CONFIRMED

Don Jobson

Jeff Bezos is D. B. Cooper

April 18, 2020


ODM Express File Photo


Oh yes, we would like to thank ODM Express for their ‘vigilance’, ‘honest’ investigative reporting, and ‘clarity’, old, ‘unbiased’ news media. Cooper Academy-D.B. Cooper—proof Jeff Bezos is D. B. Cooper… How else do you think he has all that money? The Lamestream media doesn’t want you to know the “Truth”? Wake up! Sheeple! You know who else doesn’t want you to know the “Truth”? Chad Holtz that’s who. Chad as you may not know is a Secret Hindu Agent. Chad also works for Big Amazon and is part of the Amazon ninjas trying to suppress “the Real Truth.”

Chad once thought he got saved by shaking quasi-Universalist Emergence semi-Pelagurite guru Rob Bell’s hand. We also heard he voted for Hillary. Also Amazon carries the “purpose-seeker-driven” books that Chad reads like that semi-pelican sinfully-ecumenical Emergent heretic Rob Bell’s and purpose-drivel shaman Rich Warren’s. Proof that there’s a nefarious conspiracy and hidden feminist political agenda going on. They’re all in on the secret cover-up to hide the “Truth” that Jeff Bezos is D. B. Cooper. And as our former co-Truth Warrior Will Farel XV has said:

Chad Holtz who has been harassing this young man, who share my Divine zeal for the Truth, with his peace mantras.

Let us take a closer look at this “peace” that Chad ends his heretic enabling comments with. Remember those “peace” cries of the hippies? What peace were they talking about? I will tell you. The peace that would invite the Communists like Barak Obama, together with his supporterSpiritual Guru Brian McLaren*, to take over our beautiful Christian United States of America. This same peace is also the theme of John Lennon’s song “Give Peace a Chance”. As we know John Lennon and Yoko Ono were followers of the cult of the Hare Krishna mantra of Hinduism and that was what this song is really about. So here we have Chad shouting peace, peace like a mantra. What should be our conclusion? Chad might also be secret a follower of the Hare Krishna movement!

As you can see my “facts” have been well researchmentalized—believe  me…

Spread the Conspiracy,

Don Jobson

Bill Gate and Trump Partners in NWO Crimes

April 17, 2020


Our researching robot monkeys have been dooing some deep scouring of their crainial rectums aka as Google and have sinerstly connected Trump to the Bill Gate. Proof the Bill Gate and Trump are connected to the Who Agenda. Who are both connected to the Hellary.

Gate, who describes himself as in favor of progressive taxation, said that he’s not going to declare who he’ll vote for in 2020, but suggested that he’s at least open to voting for Trump if his opponent isn’t “professional” enough.

(From all this we can conclude Gate anti-Trump).

The Jim Brown also has corruption over him:

In 1965, Brown was arrested in his hotel room for assault and battery against an 18-year-old named Brenda Ayres; he was later acquitted of those charges.[41] A year later, he fought paternity allegations that he fathered Brenda Ayres’ child.[45]

In 1968, Brown was charged with assault with intent to commit murder after model Eva Bohn-Chin was found beneath the balcony of Brown’s second-floor apartment.[46] The charges were later dismissed after Bohn-Chin refused to cooperate with the prosecutor’s office. Brown was also ordered to pay a $300 fine for striking a deputy sheriff involved in the investigation during the incident. In Brown’s autobiography, he stated that Bohn-Chin was angry and jealous over an affair he had been having with Gloria Steinem, and this argument is what led to the “misunderstanding with the police”.[47]

In 1970, Brown was found not guilty of assault and battery, the charges stemming from a road-rage incident that had occurred in 1969.[48]

In December 1973, Brown proposed to 18-year-old Diane Stanley, a Clark College student he met in Acapulco, Mexico in April of that year.[49][50] They broke off their engagement in 1974.[51]

In 1975, Brown was sentenced to one day in jail and two years’ probation and ordered to pay a fine of $500 for beating and choking his golfing partner, Frank Snow.[52]

In 1985, Brown was charged with raping a 33-year-old woman.[53] The charges were later dismissed.[54]

In 1986, Brown was arrested for assaulting his fiancee Debra Clark.[55] Clark refused to press charges, though, and Brown was released.[56]

Brown married his second wife Monique Brown in 1997; they have two children.[57] In 1999, Brown was arrested and charged with making terrorist threats toward his wife. Later that year, he was found guilty of vandalism for smashing his wife’s car with a shovel.[58] He was sentenced to three years’ probation, one year of domestic violence counseling, and 400 hours of community service or 40 hours on a work crew along with a $1,800 fine.[59] Brown ignored the terms of his sentence and in 2000 was sentenced to six months in jail, which he began serving in 2002 after refusing the court-ordered counseling and community service.[60] He was released after 3 months.[61][62]

Proof the Bill Gate and Trump are Deep State agents. Why the use of “Great Guys”? Only someone of the Deep State would think agents in the Deep State are great. Clearly Keep America Great is a code of the Deep State. Deep State confirmed. The Lame media don’t want you to know that the Donald; the Hellary and the Bill Gate are all behind de coronas. Trump was also kicked  out of network for vitamin scheme.

Follow these links:

Bill Gate agent of the New World anti-God Deep State

Discernmentalists Discernmentalize Bill Gates’ Vaccine causes Transcedental Meditation

Breaking: QANon part of Deep State!

April 15, 2020 by 

Discernmentalists Discernmentalize Bill Gates’ Vaccine causes Transcedental Meditation

April 14, 2020



Our Research Robot Monkeys observed this with their very eyes. This is the Bill Gate agenda to cause emergent meditation to emerge. We must put a stop to this and take a stand in  the sovereignty of our pro-life  anti-vax conspiracies Doctrine. Our late great affectionate uncle and mentor Ken Silva would be appalled at this worldly abomination.

I am pro-life because I say I am,

I. Todyaso

Solo Scriptura: A Guide To Discernmentalist Bible Interpretation

October 22, 2019


We Discernmentalists believe in Solo Scriptura as in only our interpretation of the Bible alone as only our interpretation matters or counts for our beliefs are God’s as we follow:
Solo Scriptura. The whole Bible. Be real and stop your deception. Either follow the whole Bible or leave the Christian faith. I do not want a cut and paste faith. That is no faith at all.
However we being good Bible-Believing Conservatives and Internet Discernmentalists like our faith cut and paste as only we have license to practice a cut and paste faith using Solo Scriptura such as:
  • The Bible is clear: “Drink a little wine to settle thy stomach and greet each-other with a Holy kiss.”—never mind alcoholics and the drinking age being 21 nor pedophiles using the Holy kiss as an excuse to molest children—Paul said it that settles it. (Solo scriptura out of context the whole Bible)
  • Or our support of capitalism and voting straight ticket Republican every election despite the Bible’s Clear Teaching that usury aka making profits is an abomination
  • Or how we explain away the Bible’s Clear Teachings to turn the other cheek; lay down our weapons and study war no more
  • Or how we disagree with the Clear Teaching and Plain Language in the Bible that Christ is Really Present in the wine and bread as we believe its only symbolic: “And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, This is my body given for you…” (Notice it doesn’t say this is only a symbol of my body)
  • Or how we believe God only loves the saved despite John 3:16 using the word κόσμος (which literally means universe) not ἐκλεκτός (Elect) nor ἐκκλησία (church/assembly)
  • Or how we prefer to spank our children as punishment instead of the Bible’s Clear Teaching on stoning them
  • Or how we believe in a Limited Atonement despite the Bible’s Clear Teaching:  Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (Notice it doesn’t say takes away the sin of the Elect/saved/church only)
  • Or how we explain away OT Laws by consigning those too HARD for us to follow as being part of a ceremonial law not a moral one despite the Bible never making any distinction between any OT Law: the Law is the Law period.
  • Or how we believe life begins at conception even-though the Bible’s Clear Teaching Plainly teaches that life begins at first breath
  • Or how we exhort our enemies to follow Romans 13 while celebrating our country whose very Founders disobeyed it by rebelling against the King of England
  • Or how we believe in Premilennial Dispensationalism/Rapture teaching despite it being found nowhere in the Bible
  • Or how we claim that baptism doesn’t have anything to do with salvation despite the Clear and Plain language of the Bible: “1 Peter 3:21- And baptism, which this prefigured, now saves you—not as a removal of dirt from the body, but as an appeal to God for[a] a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, ” (Solo scriptura out of context the whole Bible)

As you can see our Solo Scriptura is correct as we are inerrant—we like the parts of scripture we agree with and doesn’t disrupt our comfortable Conservative American lifestyle—and choose not to follow those that do. However everyone else else needs to follow the whole Bible or else leave the Paulican Biblian Discernmentalist Christian faith. (Solo scriptura out of context)


Discernmentalist Values…

October 20, 2019

Brannon Howse: …I’ve been dealing with the issue of social justice, the social Gospel, collectivism, globalism, internationalism, statism, whatever you want to call it. It’s a lot of the same thing, saving socialism, for many, many years. I’ve been writing and speaking now for close to 30 years. 28 years I think to be precise, and written several books, and I’m not one of these guys that just writes books to have books to write. I try to write books that are very pertinent and timely and if I don’t write a book for a few years that’s fine, but after so many years of studying this and watching the things from the left come within mainstream Evangelicalism, yes we know that the mainline liberal churches are doing all this, but now to watch social justice, socialism, redistribution of wealth, the pushing of reparations, which is going to be a tax to try to make up for slavery, reparations in America, that’ll be a part of a Reagan-type campaign by the Marxists. Mandatory minimum incomes, that’ll be again something that’s being really promoted by groups like the Gospel Coalition, and again who would oppose it when it’s coming from a group like the Gospel Coalition with well-known Evangelicals involved They’re pushing all these things and more, and this is in the mainstream Evangelical area. Guys like Jim Wallace, Ron Sider, Tony Campolo, who have always been on the far left and promoting and praising pretty much every Communist revolution in South America, claiming the Anti-Communists were part of the dark forces, all these guys who were in the ’80s seen as being what they were, leftist Neo-Marxist, and now they’ve come mainstream into Evangelicalism and people we never thought are locking arms with them and literally working with them and serving on boards and committees together, and so I’m seeing the merging of Marxism with Christianity. …One (false idea) would be this idea that we owe the poor as much money as we can give them. There’s an article in Christianity Today a few years ago where Tim Keller is being interviewed and he said that. “We owe the poor as much money as we can give them.” That’s nowhere in the Bible. These guys take a lot of verses in the New Testament dealing with the New Testament Church and they take the word poor, which often is dealing with the spiritual poor, the spiritual bankrupt, the beggar who cannot save himself, he’s spiritually bankrupt. That’s why Christ cried out on the cross, “It is finished. Debt paid in full.” Banking term. The righteous life of Christ can be imputed or credited to your account through faith and repentance, two sides of a coin. “By grace, through faith you’re saved. Now of yourself, [inaudible 00:06:54].” He mentioned both. That was a banking term. It’s a transaction. Debt paid in full. It’s done. “We’ve been put on the auction block and we were on the auction block and our master was sin. We’ve been purchased with a price. We are not our own. Christ bought us with His own blood.” These verses that deal with the poor are often the spiritual poor, the spiritual bankrupt, the beggar. They want to take them and say that we need to give to the poor and help the poor, and they take a lot of Scripture out of context to do it. Matthew 25 is one of their favorites. “I was naked. I was in prison,” all this. That’s Jesus dividing the kingdom. Excuse me, Jesus setting up His kingdom. At the second coming, dividing the sheep from the goats. Again, they take Scripture out of context. There’s not one verse in the New Testament says that the New Testament Church is to redistribute its limited resources to the unsafe poor. Now that does not mean that we cannot be helping unsafe poor people as a platform the Gospel, but no call for redistribution of wealth to the unsafe poor but definitely to care for the poor inside the New Testament Church.

Sam Rohrer: The insidious cloaking and mixing of economics, wealth, and power and money on one hand, which is within the purview of the jurisdiction of civil government, with the Biblical concern for the poor, the needy, and those who are without, which are within the purview and responsibility of the Church, the mixing of these two is one major strategy of cultural Marxism, but it’s the inappropriate mixing as they do. The Bible’s clear on all matters of life and living, and if carefully applied, will always bring the results that God promises.” (Source)

We proudly support Discernmentalist Values. We support taking Scriptures out of context to support Capitalism as everyone knows capitalism is Biblical. We know the Crucified Christ approves of this. We know the Reformers would support us in our anti-Social Justice gospel as Luther said:

 “He who has nothing to live should be aided. If he deceives us, what then? He must be aided again.”

“ . . . In a well-arranged commonwealth the debts of the poor who are in need ought to be cancelled, and they ought to be helped; hence the action of collecting has its place only against the lazy and the ne’er-do-well” (“Lectures on Deuteronomy”).

So remember to uncritically support:

  • Free-market Capitalism instead of Social Justice.
  • War-mongering instead of peace-making
  • Corporate slavery instead of freedom
  • Ignorance instead of education
  • Conspiracy Theories instead of facts
  • Fake News instead of reality and Truth

Ignorance is our strength—it’s the Discernmentalist Way!

ODMafia approved

The mighty righteous have spoken! Tremble in your seat…

August 16, 2019


The mighty righteous Voice of the Sheep has spoken!

Voice of the Sheep notes ” Reading this blog may be hazardous to your man-centered doctrines, challenging to your unsupportable presuppositions, and just plain detrimental to your Arminian heresies. This blog has been known to cause high blood pressure, nose bleeds, headaches, stomach ulcers, gasping for breath, hyper-tension, dizzyness, nervous twitches, sudden angry vocal outbursts and light-headedness. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop reading immediately and consult the Word of truth. If you are susceptible to any of these because of your general lack of preparedness to give a defense, then please think twice before posting…you WILL be asked to defend what you say! All others are asked to leave their timid and easily-bruised egos at the door. Thanks for reading…”

Fellow discernmentalist….we tremble, our knees knock, our teeth chatter at your fearsome and rugged individualistic reformational sensational outburts. We are glad that you are on the side of righteous indignation, and that you cause others nervous twitches, nose bleeds and stomach ulcers…because we like to think that Jesus too brought stress, strain and frustration – what a marvelous example of humility you bring to the world! We are pleasedto note that despising arminians and suggesting that they are heretics that you have in fact thrown two well known and respected 18th century reformers into the category of heresy; John and Charles Wesley. Well done… let’s fine some more upstanding believers to throw out! If it makes you feel good…it makes us feel good too.

I suppose that only a true discernmentalist can add his pet doctrines to the gospel and yet still remain orthodox himself…of course always self proclaimed!

All I can say is “baaaa – baaaa-loney.”

Truthslayer—those who know me hear my voice