Devil Worship at the Super Bowl!!! ALERT!!!! Alert!!!!!

February 15, 2024

Our Research Robot Monkeys have been working overtime observing Satan in all things worldly and apostate. Satan is everywhere—he’s under your bed; in your closet; on the TV; why he was even at the Super Bowl—Satan literally appeared right beside Taylor Swift as her friend Ice Spice (a Satanist as discernmentalized by discernmentalists through bible-based osmosis) began summoning demons through Satanic hand signs. (Parents you might want to buy an ODM-endorsed mind-eraser if any of your kids saw those sinisterly satanic hand signs —they might want to imitate them and then you’ll have a summoned demon in your home and that’ll be bad cause you’ll have to call an Exorcist which is even worse as they might try to convert you to Catholicism (which is against our Clear Teachings against such). Mostly because Catholics are extra-sinisterly satanic as they celebrate Popish pagan Devil days like Christmas; Easter and Valentine’s —-which is also against our Clear Teachings against such.

In fact, we hate anything fun with a commendable hatred and so should you because fun is of the Devil.) This is all true and not anything any man made up to profit through ignorant fear-mongering by a biblical counselor trying to coerce a already married patient into marrying him, It’s true Satan Wants You and is coming for your kids through flying witches and UFO ALIEN SPacecraft and will rape them along with Chuck Norris—in fact we’ve heard that spreading Chuck Norris memes is how THey get your kids. Many people are saying… believe us. We know as we’ve been keeping track of the occult for years so Keep spreading the fear and conspiracy theories! Our Angry Sovereign God of Absolute Wrath will not be mocked!!

Protecting the children through fear and paranoia,

Don Jobson

Jerry Falwell’s University goes Woke: Embraces Marxist democRat Agenda

February 26, 2022

The colors blue and yellow shone bright from the Freedom Tower at Liberty University on Friday night, following a campus prayer time for the country of Ukraine.

We Truth Warriors mustn’t let this nonsense and assault on our GREATEST Most Biblical Nobel Peace Prize-winning ex-President Trump stand. Trump was so noble in his Peace-waging when he drone struck the Middle East nearly every day for 4 years killing innocent children. Trump was also the Greatest fighter of child trafficking in my lifetime. If Jerry Falwell, Jr (who stands for Traditional Values) were still in charge; he wouldn’t have let this stand. It’s time to put the BIG Boyz back in charge.

Even Franklin Graham noted Sintologist and Agenda 21 proponent has fallen for the sissified Fake News propaganda and disingenuous narrative of the Woke effeminate known Leftist rag The Gospel Coalition. God is a Capitalist said so—so it must be true:

… the evangelical left represented by CT, The Gospel Coalition and David French are less than 10% of evangelicals and his audience is a puny fraction of the SBC. The only people who care about his jeremiads are those who hate Christians, like the Atlantic. Moore justifies their hatred.

Besides that Vlad is our friend—Trump said so—so that settles it. Boom! Just because governments have always done bad things for all time doesn’t mean Putin’s GOVERNMENT is doing Bad thinGs now that would be crazy!*



Anti-Government activists for Trump/Putin (GOVERNMENT) and Anti-Vaxxers for the PRO-VACCINE and FULLY VACCINATED Trump/Putin

China Threatens All with Bad Fortune Cookies

February 25, 2022

Russia isn’t a threat—it’s the Chinese. It’s always the Chinese. The Chinese gave me a bad fortune in my fortune cookie. The Chinese gave me an extra egg roll in my order. The Chinese helped me with my homework. The Chinese got the grease stains off my coat and tie. The Chinese bred my dog. The Chinese clogged my toilet. The Chinese stole my lunch at work. The Chinese didn’t return my bicycle. The Chinese were polite and quiet in the library. The Chinese got a promotion before me. The Chinese played the violin immaculately at my child’s recital and got first prize while my child came in last.

#LetsGoBraindeads #Antivaxxers4ThePro&FullyVaxxedTrump&Putin

John MacArthur (PBUH) accidentally takes a stand against the Bible

January 29, 2022

When we just read that—we were shocked and mortified beyond belief… how can someone who has so much theological knowledge take a stand against the Bible? You catch that he (PBUH) said: “all religions of the world are satanic” which includes the Calvinist religion* in the word “all.” How could the Pope of the Truth War (PBUH) have fallen like that? Doesn’t he (PBUH) know that the Calvinist religion and not Jesus is the Gospel? For shame!

*-Calvinism | Religion Wiki | Fandom

  • Overview
  • Historical background
  • General description
  • Calvinism John Calvin Background Christianity St. Augustine The Reformation Five Solas Synod of Dort Distinctives Five Points (TULIP) Covenant Theology Regulative principle Documents Calvin’s Institutes Confessions of faith Geneva Bible Influences Theodore Beza John Knox Huldrych Zwingli Jonathan Edwards Princeton theologians Churches Reformed Presbyterian Co…

Beware the Musliman Agenda!

January 21, 2022


How advanced and positioned are non-assimilated Muslims in America? This isn’t a political question as much as it’s a statement of control. Sharia in—Constitution out! That’s the Islamic/Muslim agenda for America.  El Sandi said so: “Yes! Shariah is a coming for us  so we mustn’t stand for this.”

Elsewhere El Sandi has discernmentalized  that Muslims can’t be trusted and will never blend in with our American bible-believing values. Eric Barger of Take A Stand agrees as do we as:

Far from spreading Sharia, as Islamophobes have suggested, America’s Muslim clerics are focusing on a more familiar trend: youngsters blending into American life. We’d like to thank El Sandi and Take A Stand for their hard job of pure researchmentalism.

Taking the braver stand,


America’s Discernmentalist Idol

September 1, 2021

After years of competing, Eric Barger’s Take a Stand Ministries, Slice of Laodicea, Christian Research Network  and Apprising Ministries are now down to the wire. In the next series of events that you will see broadcast on live TV are the following discernmentalist skills:

1)     Carefully skilled judgmentalism, disguised as discernment

2)      Self-righteous indignation, cloaked as safe guarding God’s fragile truth

3)      Name calling because it is fun and makes us feel good.

4) Capitalist apologetics:

“I offer an alternative to Haweraus’ socialism in my book “God is a Capitalist: Markets from Moses to Marx.” It’s available at Amazon. I respond to many of Haweraus’ straw men arguments against capitalism and show the histories of capitalism and socialism. Capitalism came from the Godly theologians at the University of Salamanca, Spain in the 16th century who based their economic principles on the Bible. Socialism came from French atheists in the early 19th century. Marx came later, but he was also an atheist who let at least one child starve to death because he was so lazy. The founders of socialism intended it as an anti-Christian system for saving mankind.”—Koger McRinney

The finalist contestants will be judged next week! Stay tuned!

If you aren’t worshipping Mammon then who are you worshipping?,


Google is Illuminati: CONFIRMED

August 22, 2021


Mr. Jesperson said: “There was no news of 10’s or 100’s of thousands of people around the world having serious reactions to the vaccines.”

So, no news equates it didn’t happen? Research how only a handful of corporations control the media. Ps…don’t use google for your search engine. Try swisscows or similar.

“So where is your evidence that vaccines are poisons? And where is the evidence that they do not work? The stats are as clear as can be.”

I’m glad you asked those questions, but I’m not confident my response will be allowed through the censorship filter on this site.

Simply research the supposed measles virus from a perspective outside the controlled narrative and you’ll see a different story of what “success” actually was. You seem to be naive to the fact that in America the corporations with the most money and power (chemical and pharma) get to determine what information is fed to the majority.

Swisscows is a web search engine launched in 2014, a project of Hulbee AG, a company based in Egnach, Switzerland.[1][2] It uses semantic data recognition that give faster “answers” to queries. In addition, Swisscows does not store users’ data.[3][4][5] Swisscows also deems itself “family-friendly”, with explicit results entirely omitted.[3][6][7] The website’s servers are based in underground data centers under the Swiss Alps.[8]

Swisscows uses Bing for web search, but has also built its own index for the German language edition.[9][7] It also has shopping search, music search (powered by SoundCloud), and a language translator powered by Yandex.

Swisscows=Bing=Microsoft=Bill Gates=Antichrist illuminati profits

Antivaxxers are the illuminaughty: CONFIRMED

Don Jobson

Commercials Destroying White Conservative Christian Men

August 17, 2021

Brainwashing woke CRT propaganda —-why isn’t there a Pepsi WHITE—reverse racism

Oh the horrors—behold them:

Advertising Agencies (if you watch national commercials) are purposely featuring 50% or more of every commercial you see have all black actors or at least a black actor within the commercial. In fact the first commercial that airs within a stop set will feature black actors. When our country wasn’t viewed as “racist”, advertising on a national level—campaigns were built on population percentages, so it would be normal to see more white actors in commercials than Latino, Black, or Asian. Currently with America’s white population at 63%, 18% Latino, 13% Black, and 6% Asian, America’s Ad Agencies are controlling the WOKE and CRT narrative by forcing at least 50% of all national commercials featuring black Americans, not to mention giving the LGTBQ community a front seat to build “normalcy”—while ignoring the majority of Latino and Asian Americans.Tell me who’s actually pushing a racist narrative? What happened to simply be equal with inalienable rights—as Americans truly are? I love people. I love my neighbor, and I don’t see “skin color”. Sadly many do now. – LeeBertAryan

I’m not racist because I own a Chinese dog—white power. Is there nothing safe from the CRT/LGBTwoke agenDurs. Woke up sheeples. Why do everyone but us live in fear?

Don Jobson

Pastor Steven Dilday Needs You!

September 19, 2011

Pastor Steven Dilday needs you to spread the fear and spread the hate against Roman Catholics and Protestants who wear clerical collars and vestments! Yes, we too want you to get behind this most pressing and urgent of issues in our zeal for the defense of the Pure Doctrines of our Truth War. How dare we let those grace-hating heretics wear inappropriate church-going attire in their church services! We must take a stand in Sovereign grace and Wrath and put a stop to this nonsense. We Know that Jesus would never approve of men who lead churches wearing dresses in their services. Clearly this must be the MYSTERY OF INIQUITIES: the BABYLONIAN ROAD BACK TO ROME! We must hate this unbiblical heresy against the Doctrines of Grace with A commendable hatred. So remember these words from the Truth War Gospel: “Liberty and Grace to you; hate the rest!”

Chad Holtz And Mike Morrell’s Emergent Village Possibly Found

April 19, 2011

Our Research Robot Monkeys recently infiltrated an Emergent Cohort compound and discovered horrible abominations such as couches and candles. In this candle-lit ashram there were a bunch of scantily-clad men and women participating in the usual routine Emergent rituals of nude centering prayer (with much icons, incense, chanting, and apophatic silence). There was a lot of stretching going on and not in a good way. Our Research Robot Monkeys were horrified at all they saw and we are too. All we can say is Beware… Beware the Emergent Hordes and their Seeker-Sensitive Purpose-Driven lives!

Video of a typical Emergent Village pow-wow: