John MacArthur(PBUH) in Apostasy: Emerges teaching Missional-minded Christianity! backed up by Christian Research Network’s Backbone!!

February 17, 2020


“Great preacher Charles Spurgeon described “soul-winning [as] the chief business . . . of every true believer.” Step into soul-winning boot camp today with John MacArthur on “Grace to You,” as he studies the lifesaving mission God calls you to.”

You hear that? Clearly soul-winning is a code-word for Easy-Believism and Easy-Believism is code-word for Arminianism—which is free-will worshipping semi-Pelagian heresy—the road to Rome! We’ve also discernmentalized that lifesaving mission is code-word for Missional-minded Christianity and this is what those Emerging/Emergent apostates teach:

Missional Christian faith asserts that Jesus did not come to make some people saved and others condemned. Jesus did not come to help some people be right while leaving everyone else to be wrong. Jesus did not come to create another exclusive religion (based on beliefs).”
– Brian McLaren, A Generous Orthodoxy, p.120

Christian Research Network using backbones transplanted to them after the passing of our late mentor add:

The emphasis on being “missional” is often made in such a way so as to insinuate that all they are really doing is removing the Gospel message from cultural constraints. (Source)

The Missional deception is a change of emphasis in a church from outward focused evangelism with inward focused spiritual growth to inward focused “evangelism lite” with little or no emphasis on the spiritual growth of the members. The Church was viewed by our pastor and his people as their “church plant” in our community from which they would be a missional focused church ministering to the seekers who came to see what all the fuss was about. What is “Missional”? Is it the same thing as having a missionary focus like that church I used to belong to before its takeover by the Innovation Cult? No, it is different. The first way it is different is that it sees itself as “incarnational.” What does this mean? Instead of the focus being on the church and what goes on inside as far as worship, Bible Study, fellowship, and preaching, the emphasis is on being involved in the community. (Source)

From all this we can conclude that JMac (PBUH) has emerged into a Missional church mindset—condemned by his own words:

“The movement’s main trendsetters relentlessly pressure pastors to contextualize their ministry and message so that the church can stay in step with these postmodern times. Missional strategies that truncate the gospel or overshadow it with gimmickry and entertainment are not going to win the culture in this or any other age (Rom 10). In fact, the quest for the world’s approval is nothing less than spiritual harlotry.”

Update- our keen researchmentalists have pointed out this previous post of ours proving this post further as we’ve already apprised:

John MacArthur exposed by Tim Challies: caught Promoting Women Preaching as pointed out by Phil Johnson and Pyromaniacs!!!!!

Breaking: Rick Warren Reemerges with Purpose… Seeker-Driven Machine!

June 2, 2019


Rick Warren’s new Seeker-Driven All Purpose Machine of Doom

Truth War Digest- An Old Enemy Reemerges with a New Threat:

Recently our Rick Warren Threat level alarms were alerted to a new sinister Purpose-Driven Seeker plot by the sinfully-ecumenical purposeful pope of all things seeker-driven-ness against our Clear Teachings that life just like the church must be as purposeless and terrible as possible. Just listen to this hideously apostate and heretical quote: “Through his Word, God helps you to see life through a different perspective. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (NIV). God’s Word gives us direction in life; it shows us the path God wants us on.”—Rick Warren

Elsewhere Todd Friel (Wretched) [who only wishes he were half the discernmentalist as we are—otherwise he would have detected Warren’s new hideously apostate Seeker-Driven Purpose machine before we did] has discernmentalized:

Friel highlights comments made by Warren in a conversation between him and the Orange County Bishop Kevin Vann which he says were way too ‘ecumenical’ and lacked distinction between the two strands of the Christian faith.

“The Roman Catholic Church has led so many people away from truth,” says Friel. “We committed to pray for each other,” said Warren about his growing friendship with the Bishop. “I’m sorry, I wouldn’t ask a Roman Catholic to pray for me,” responds Friel. “Those prayers are not being heard especially if they are offered to a saint or to Mary.”

We know God doesn’t listen to the prayers of anyone unless they believe in our Doctrine first and that none of our Godly ministries have purposes nor are they seeker-driven. This is why we must call all our Truth Warriors to unite around our Doctrine and help us take a stand and put down and submerge Rick Warren’s new threat of a sinisterly sinfully-ecumenical (against our Clear Teachings against such) seeker-driven machine of purpose.

Boogie-Foot! Lives: A Cousin Of Bigfoot?

May 9, 2019

b782TruthScooper Times Reports— Recently discovered by Discernmentalists a new breed of the hideously heretically apostate Emerging hybrids—-a Semi-Pelagianese that was once thought to be extinct: Boogie-Foot. This four-eyed Romish unnatural perversion of God’s Holy Creation is said to be a close cousin of Bigfoot and is just one more of the ways in which the evil Emergent Babylonian hordes of Brian “Darn your soul to heck” McLaren’s apostate army stoops in order to eradicate Absolute Biblical Truth (as defined by our Truth War Pope). This hideous hybrid of Monocles and Synergy hypnotizes it’s victims with Contemplative chanting and the unholy flames of candlelight reminding all of it’s hellish origins and doctrines of demons. It chains it’s victims with the burden of Free Grace and a Freed Will towards charitable works. Rumors say it gravitates towards couches and dark roast coffee and other sinisterly Socialistic past times like soccer not to mention Sacher Tortes.

We were granted permission to help ODM Researchmentalists interview a survivor of a Boogie-Foot abduction who spun this mighty fine yarn:

Then they approached me, and I pissed my pants, literally. I am not ashamed to say this, I was so fearful I had no idea if this was it you know? That’s when I saw their heads. Their necks were hairless and they reminded me of vultures. Their heads had red hair, but also black feathers or I don’t know what it was, but it looked like feathers to me. Their eyes were dark, very dark and big as they got close to me.

His hair was long and about the same texture as mine as I recall. The hair on all of them was about the same shade of brown, like the color of the decomposed wood layer in the forest. I could see skin around his eyes that was tanned looking and where there was facial hair it was more sparse with glimpses of skin showing through that area as well. I couldn’t make out a neck.  His chin was broad, his teeth were about the size of the nail on my middle finger but they were more flat and he had a mouthful of them meaning the width of his “bite” was wide.  His mouth was wide enough to show most of them.  His eyes were dark with some white around them, less so than human eyes.  They were kind with crows feet at the outer edge of them.  His skin was weathered like anyone who spent much time outside, like a farmer.  His shoulders were very broad though I did see his collar bone on one side which looked thick compared to a humans.  He was muscular and heavily built but in no way fat. (Source)

When they preach a sermon, they are practically choosing their theological roots by what they say in the pulpit.  They may not use the same word of phrase, but their meaning is quite the same, and sometimes just as strong as Pelagius or Arminius of old.  Instead of wrestling with these ideas, Evangelicals today simply follow the crowd at chow time.  They eat what their pastors give them without any recourse to study what is being said or check if their pastor is right.  Instead, because of a charismata that is easier to feel than exegesis is to study, they are falling headlong into the abyss of Pelagian and Semi-Pelagian doctrine which is another Gospel, or no Gospel, altogether.  Entire Christian universities and theological schools have been given over to this blatant kind of religious humanism.  John Owen rightly said in his day, “Many at this day will condemn both Pelagius and the doctrine that he taught, in the words wherein he taught it, and yet embrace and approve of the things themselves which he intended.”[69]

However, though Owen said this four hundred years ago, it is more true today than it was at his time.  But there has been a change.  It is not that men deny Pelagianism, for most pastors have no idea what Pelagianism or Semi-Pelagianism is at all.  Rather, they simply believe the doctrines of Pelagius and Arminius at the expense of even knowing in which theological camp they are historically bound.  Truly, the Evangelical church today is captive.

It is impossible to deny the overwhelming degree that the church is under the Pelagian captivity of old.—Mick Russels

Researchmentalists theorize that Boogie-Foot’s prime habitation is in the Synagogue of Satan deep within Emergent Villages and that there may be others among them based on the victim’s testimony in the above interview. Little is known about Boogie-Foot other than what Discernmentalist Researchmentalists in the field of Sintology have observed using their herescopes. Although beard hair samples have been collected and tested by top Sintologists. The test results revealed just what we expected that it’s beard is unbiblical. Supposedly this particular one had spider arms. Putting all together what we know these TruthScoopers warn: Beware the Boogie-Foot that cometh lest the Reformation erode.


————-Julia Bottomman, AP

Chris Rosebrough: Closet Hindu no More!

April 25, 2008


Here we go again! It seems that our work here at ODM is never foloinished, but we must be diligent in our work to expose you to the doctrinal errors of those who are just a little lower on the sanctificationalism chart than we are. We are the lizard kings, we can do anything.

What I have learned by being a member of the writing force here at the ODM is that words mean things. Recently, for example, I finished reading a book called The Shack. I was warned by a very important ODM that the author of the book is secretly or overtly a proponent of astral projection and New Age theology because, in the book, he tells of a dream where he was flying. Scary. (I had a dream the other night that I was sleeping so I guess that means I am advocating, uh, sleep.) But the point is that words mean things. Words are not devoid of content even when they are ripped out of their context. So all those grammar lessons we spent time going over in Junior High are meaningless: Context gives us no clues whatsoever when it comes to the meaning of words. And I’m not even going to get into what the author states he believes, or what the author’s stated intentions are, or the theological content of those who endorse and author’s book. (I knew I would find a way to get back at all those teachers who insisted I anaylyze the context for clues so as to find the meaning of paragraphs. In your face Mrs Clapsaddle!)

All that matters, and it is important that you repeat this with me slowly, is this: What are the words and what do they mean. Remember these four things do not matter: Context, Intent, Beliefs, Endorsements. All that matters is the words themselves. So, it is with great remorse that we must lay to rest one of the great ODM’s of our day, Extreme Theology (and, I think, by extension, alittleleaven; or, as Ingrid, former uber-ODM and recent apostate, likes to call it alotofleaven). Now I will explain why it is necessary for you to abandon all hope that you will ever learn anything extremely theological from extreme theology:



Friends, this is proof enough that Chris Rosebrough is a Hindu and worships sacred cows (pun intended). And, to make it worse, this sentence is in perfect context (I am breaking my own ODM rules by keeping it in context!) I don’t think there is anything else that even needs to be said about this because you can see it here for yourself. I’m not making this stuff up folks: Truth is stranger than fiction.  All this time we have been led to believe that Extreme Theology was about Biblical Theology, and on our side in the Truth War, and it turns out that it was actually about worshiping cows, or at least venerating them, which is a major, major aspect of the Hindu ‘faith’. I think it is safe to say: Extreme Theology is lame and, like most of what we discern around here, practicing a ‘many approaches to God’ sort of theology.

So here’s another friendly warning: Stay away from so-called ‘biblical’ ministries like Extreme Theology and ALittleLeaven. They are dangerous factions of a ‘many ways to God’ sort of theology. They are as corrupt as Tim Reed whose heretical views on Karma have been exposed and chronicled here at the ODM. Listen folks, don’t take this lightly: Words mean things. Nowhere in the Bible are we told to call cows ‘Holy.’ Only God is Holy (See Isaiah 6). This is terribly disappointing and I know many of you will be lost. But take heart! We here at ODM are accepting all former clients and patients of Extreme Theology and ALittleLeaven (have your insurance card handy). We want you to know that we are here for you because we care (or because we don’t) but either way, what does it matter, we are here. If you are interested in real discernment, then this is the place to be! Forget the phonies and get your real discernment from the experts.


PS–If anyone has ever been saved by a ‘holy cow’ would you please email us here at ODM? We would love to share your story.

PPS–Chris, we are sorry you are apostate. We hope you will get back to earning your salvation by practicing right theology.