Where you have Islam bad things always happen

March 9, 2020


And here in America these things don’t occur with Christianity? Sex abuse, adultery, child abuse, embezzlement, etc.

“I wonder if the same people would say the same things about Islam. Just wondering…..I was just doing what the socialists do on every Islam thread. Now that hypocrisy has been exposed……Use others peoples money unwisely…Today’s socialism is all about control..I have friends who are catholic but they have been seduced by Satan and are not true Christians….Your opinion is therefore irrelevant….No you do not accept the facts that most Roman Catholics do not practice basic Christian teaching.”—Mr. Kish. I believe Kish is filling in for Sandi – she handles the “There are no good Muslims because of Islam” concession here at RNS.

ElSandi said so—that makes it so. All we need to know about Islam we learned on 9-11. Muslim apologists are a politically correct sickness. People remember Islamic terrorists events more because there are so many of them. The only reason they are immigrating to North America is to act as the Trojan horse for their god.

I’ll admit that the “lone wolf” approach of most rightwing extremists is ugly and awful because these people plot what they’re doing well in advance and seem quite trained in weaponry, just like the Islamic terrorists that the left so ardently defend. That S.O.B. in Christchurch clearly knew what he was doing and could probably duke it out physically if he had to. Disgusting.

Meanwhile, the P.C. ninjas on the left are sad, stupid physical specimens–the women are usually fat and more physically intimidating than the waiflike men. And they mostly flail around swinging their arms stupidly and suckerpunching anyone and everyone without discrimination…except for blacks/Hispanics/gays who challenge leftist orthodoxy; they hate them the most! But what’s sad is how much support they receive by other leftists. It’s so bad in Portland that the police are told to stand down to make way for this “anti-fascist protest group” that smashes windows, beats up elderly men, bombs ICE detention centers, and shoots up ballparks or country music festivals in Las Vegas (yep, the media desperately covers up that leftist mass shooting!). We have mayors and even governors (Virginia) who are perfectly okay with this. Unreal. And just like the Klan that serves as a major source of inspiration, the AntiFA do everything with masks on. It was Democratically controlled South in the 60s when the Klan go terrorize blacks with full support from the political class; it’s Democratically controlled cities where KlantiFA can operate unchecked. History repeats itself.

Obama decreed

October 26, 2019


Blast of gas from Past ODM News reports: Eric Barger of Take A Stand Ministries notes “In essence, what Obama decreed on December 17 gave INTERPOL agents the right and ability to operate as an untouchable police force with unquestioned and unrestrained authority inside the United States.”

I guess now INTERPOL has the same jurisdiction as the CIA and NSA? We believe that the CIA should be able to do anything it wants, to anyone, and anybody to preserve our way of life. When INTERPOL does it to get terrorists its wrong. We concur.

Truthslayer still in horror over Obama

Obama not a Christian says Truth War Pope John MacArthur (PBUH)!

October 25, 2019



Keen discernmentalist blogger writes “Oh the dull of hearing! Any Christian who states he didn’t think Obama was a unbeliever and not a Christ follower is plain ignorant, or worse yet a liar. We have known his politics and cohorts for years. You are who you hang around with. He may be not be Muslim as some say, and he isn’t the anti-christ. But his sporit is a anti-christ spirit of these prophetical days we live in. Its not at all surprizing with our Laodicean church age and the doctrines of devils in our church today being readily believed by those who say they read and follow the Word of God.” Insightful responses include: “Thanks to Our Holy Pope of all Truth and over the Truth War Dr. John MacArthur (PBUH) for having the courage to say the obvious. Everyone knows Obama is not Christian but no one else has the courage to proclaim it…”

Although he has recently singled out Catholics, he has equally targeted traditional Protestant beliefs over the past four years. So since he has attacked Catholics and Protestants, one is tempted to say that he is anti-Christian. But that, too, would be inaccurate. He has been equally disrespectful in his appalling treatment of religious Jews in general and Israel in particular. So perhaps the most accurate description of his antipathy toward Catholics, Protestants, religious Jews, and the Jewish nation would be to characterize him as anti-Biblical. And then when his hostility toward Biblical people of faith is contrasted with his preferential treatment of Muslims and Muslim nations, it further strengthens the accuracy of the anti-Biblical descriptor. In fact, there have been numerous clearly documented times when his pro-Islam positions have been the cause of his anti-Biblical actions.Listed below in chronological order are (1) numerous records of his attacks on Biblical persons or organizations; (2) examples of the hostility toward Biblical faith that have become evident in the past three years in the Obama-led military; (3) a listing of his open attacks on Biblical values; and finally (4) a listing of numerous incidents of his preferential deference for Islam’s activities and positions, including letting his Islamic advisors guide and influence his hostility toward people of Biblical faith. 1. Acts of hostility toward people of Biblical faith:

  • We believe he’s Muslim
  • Trump questioned his Birth Certificate
  • We were personally persecuted by Obama for refusing to bake cakes for sinners
  • He treated Muslims fairly
  • He went to church regularly (unlike our current President)
  • He married a man (Michelle)
  • He isn’t man enough like our current President (who has been married three times because that’s how much more of a man he is)
  • He’s anti-Capitalist as Capitalism is Biblical
  • He repented—True Christian Presidents have no need of repenting
  • David Barton said so among other reasons

Strange that when former President Bush lied about WMDs, invaded TWO different countries on lies, pretext and worse…. Evangelicals stood by our biblical war-mongering then President. Why? Bush claimed to be born again. Bush is a Republican. Therefore, IF you claim to be born again, and Republican you get a free pass to practice lawlessness….and ignore the teachings of Jesus. Besides we must simply remember that Jesus said that democrats cannot be Christian…it says so in the Beatitudes of our Truth War Bible.

We are glad that we have the power to judge who IS and ISN’T a follower of Jesus.


PS all quotes are not spell checked…because we know in our hearts that discernmentalists never make mistakes. (-;

PPS remember these Islamic greetings from our former Muslim President Obama:

“This is a time to remember the sacrifices made for us and hold all who suffer close to our hearts,” they wrote. “Yet it is also a time to rejoice, give thanks for the Resurrection, and unite with Christians around the world in proclaiming, ‘Christ has risen; He has risen indeed.’ We wish all who celebrate a blessed and joyful Easter.”

John Hagee – Hitler on the rise again! 1.0

September 18, 2019


Blast from the Past ODM News strikes again——John Hagee says “Israel’s time of need is now. There is a new Hitler in the Middle East –President Ahmadinejad of Iran — who has threatened to wipe out Israel and America and is rapidly acquiring the nuclear technology to make good on his threat.” We all agree that

Apparently there is a new Hitler in the middle east. The last war that Iran was involved with was Iraq...a US proxy. Other than the Iran-Iraq war Iran has not be involved in a war in 200 yrs.

Can John Hagee honestly really believe that Iran will take on the new role as WW2 German? Has he studied the history of his own country (No doubt from a very carefully sanitized history book)?

History be damned….we should not let progaganda get in the way of facts!

We ODMs also must concur with John Hagee because Western countries are always good, and God is on OUR side….God is a nationalist and a patriot…especially and always rooting for America….and we’re pretty sure the Bible says that somewhere….may in a foot note.

We must also come against Obama who wants to negotiate with Iran. As bible believing Christians we should smote our enemies, take them out, use force, power and military might….just as Jesus commanded. Obama obviously is a weak wristed liberal that should use nukes to fight with nukes.

Trust us. We know.

Research robot monkeys reveal Anne Rice is NOT anti-science

May 11, 2019

The ODmafia has been producing some outstanding expose˜ regarding Anne Rice’s admitted apostasy. It has now been revealed that she is NOT, I repeat is NOT anti-science!! We are so outraged. We know where science can lead…. to old-earth theories, and Obamacare. We urge you to post-up the 10 Commandments in the nearest school, burn high-school textbooks and repudiate science! This is the only way we can stop Anne Rice with her knew pro-science agenda. We KNOW what this really means…. she is attempting to undermine the institutional church and we won’t let that happen because that is our job.


PS If we could spend a little more time promoting Palin we could undermine Rice!!!

Support Our Troops Ingrates Or Leave Our Country

April 18, 2019


Demoncrats like Chelsea are all about baby killing. There’s not a single second that a baby isn’t killed by democraps existing because they are so satanic and selfish unlike us. Everyone knows God is a white Conservative male who hates liebruls and women but most especially librul womens who have been liberated as much as us. This is why we must take a stand against them taking a knee against our Flag which supports our troops who bomb babies in other peoples’ countries. For shame of libturdz protesting our Holy Flag—you make our Great Most Pro-Life President ever cry. Make America Great Again by sending the liebrals packing to some Muslem country where they execute their kind or like give them the death penalty or something to punish them for their crimes against humanity. Don’t like it libturdz then leave our Country. Get out now!

Fox News’ Secret Liberal Agenda

August 10, 2010

Our faithful Research Robot Monkeys are ever scouring the world in our quest of rooting out the True Christians from the fakers and pretenders; the True Converts from the False Converts. This was why we were so shocked when thanks to our Research Robot Monkey Infiltrators we discovered that Fox News are so ungodly. Not only is Fox News ungodly, they are also full of fake and pretend Christians aka False Converts because they pretend to be bible-believing Conservatives while all the while secretly supporting  the ungodly liberal agenda. Here for all the world our Research Robot Monkeys expose Fox News’ Hidden Liberal Agenda:

  • they are way too ecumenical
  • ecumenism = liberalism
  • ecumenism = one world religion/one world government/new world order
  • they mix True Bible-Believing Conservative Christian Believers with False Converts such as Mary and Pope-worshipping Romanists and non-Christians (Mormons) against the clear Bible teaching  of the Doctrine of Separatism in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
  • by being ecumenical they plan to unleash an unholy hybrid of Calvinism (Absolute Biblical Truth) with Papism and Mormonism upon the world
  • they are crybabies
  • crying = effeminate
  • effeminate = queerosexual
  • queerosexual = liberal
  • liberal  = terrorist

But most importantly they broke the 11th Commandment—one of the holiest of  all commandments which is: “Thou shall not cry with an unbeliever; it is an abomination.”
(Holy Ways Of The Master King James John MacArthur Bible: Wretched Edition).

Christo-Fascistview Radio Notes UFOs Planning Attack

July 28, 2010


Jan Markell: July 27
Rich Christiano joins Jan to talk about those pesky little UFOs. Should Christians take this seriously? Yes! Christiano has produced a film about the subject — a film good for spreading the gospel. He believes, as does this ministry, that these UFOs are demonic manifestations due to the lateness of the hour. After the Rapture, the world will say that these objects took people away and good riddance.

OD Mafia Editor’s Note: We have reason to suspect Obama, Lew Rockwell, Rob Bell and all Muslims have something to do with this.

Science-Free Medicine!!!

July 19, 2010

Are you as horrified as us over the Obamanation of ObamaCare? Are you tired of pseudo-scientific advances in Medicine? Have we got the answer for you—science-free medicine activated only by biblical faith because secular medicine is an assault:

  • an assault on the Bible
  • an assault on the Absolute Truth
  • an assault on our Faith
  • an assault on traditional American values
  • an assault on Freedom
  • an assault on our right to be stupid practice Bible-Based Science
  • and yes even an assault on our angry Sovereign God’s wrath and Law against sinners

Other reasons to get on board Science-Free Medicine today: Secular pseudo-scientists say that the microbes that attack our bodies are ever-evolving lifeforms which is why these evolutionary pseudo-scientists have to keep inventing new antibiotics. Isn’t that just evil? Can you say “placebo”? We Know this is just ignorance on the part of evilutionists—trying to educate people make up lies to disseminate prop up scientific truth their delusional fairy-tales. Besides would you want pseudo-scientists sticking strange needles and/or pills in you? Who knows they could be giving you the Mark of the Beast especially if they’re Roman Catholic doctors. We Know that microbes, germs, bacteria, viruses and diseases are all caused by sin and they don’t evolve at all as evolution never happens just as the Bible says. Just as God literally created the universe and everything within it unchangeable and as absolute static forms in 6 literal 24-hour days—God allows microbes, germs, bacteria, viruses and diseases to remain unchanged in order to punish vile, wretched and wicked sinners whose destruction we should all rejoice in.

Another reason to back our Science-Free Medicine is that secular medical science denies Absolute Biblical Truths already succinctly illustrated above. After infiltrating a pseudo-scientific lab full of evolutionary Emergent doctors, Our Research Robot Monkeys also noted the following:

Secular Medical Science and secular health care are so bankrupt that many are abandoning them to embrace New Age Mystical healing gooble-de-gook. Secular and New Age medicine is the new savior. Problems that were once blamed on individual sin and familial genetic sin (Original Sin) are now charged to chemical imbalances and disorders. Yesterday’s medical science and today’s medical science share the same fatal errors–they reject the total depravity of man due to sin; they treat the symptoms instead of the heart; and they aim for change that is not true sanctification. In spite of obvious failure, the notion prevails within the church that secular medicine and secular health care are more effective agents of change–particularly in dealing with the most difficult cases of illnesses–than the Holy Spirit who sanctifies. But can secular medicine and secular health care possibly accomplish something the Holy Spirit cannot? Can an earthly doctor achieve more than a heavenly Comforter? Is medicine more helpful than sanctification? Of course not.

Last but not least, the symbol of Secular Medicine is not only Pagan in orgin but also Occultic and Gnostic in origin and as We all Know Gnosticism is a heresy. If that isn’t enough to reject the evil and sinister cabals of Secular Medical Pseudo-Science whole scale then you must be a servant of Satan—so remember Science-Free Medicine for all your Bible-Based Faith-Healing needs where our motto is: “we’ll lock you in a closet and scream and yell Bible verses at you until you repent of your sins and get saved/cured/healed from your illnesses or else.” Warning if our Bible-Based Healing methods don’t work for you then it means you lack TRUE Biblical Faith and most likely weren’t meant to be healed to begin with.

Commies: The Musical!

July 2, 2010


Apostate Film Productions in conjunction with Walt Disney’s Red Letter Department presents Commies: The Musical—a musical of epic heretical anti-capitalist proportions set in a time when Communistic Socialist Justice was just reaching into the jugular of America’s heartland. This musical begins with a young Jim Wallis singing this number (The World Will Know) in the hopes of  getting America’s God-fearing youth to go on strike in protest against America’s God-ordained Capitalism

Counting the costs from the  riots that he incited Wallis gains a loyal band of followers including a young Tony Campolo. The plot really thickens when Wallis and Campolo encounter the heretical Social Gospel thought of Walter Rauschenbusch and both Wallis and Campolo begin thinking unbiblical thoughts about the Word of God which leads them to seriously ponder Jesus’ life and teachings. Soon Wallis and Campolo begin organizing and create the Red Letter Christian Union which seeks to ‘promote these evil unbiblical values such as peace, building strong families, the elimination of poverty, and other important social justice issues.’  In celebration of their Organized Union and their newly found Socialistic ideas Campolo pleads with the new Red Letter Christians to Seize The Day:

Somehow this song gains the attention of Brian McLaren as he dreams up a vision to unite Red Letter Christianity with his brand of Emergence Christianity. Jim Wallis and Tony Campolo catch wind of this idea and agree to meet with McLaren as they plan to unite in the theme of the Kingdom of God. Soon the Red Letter Christians and Emerging/Emergent Christians organize into an even bigger and stronger Union. Commies: The Musical ends with the whole cast singing a paen to their vision for a Communistic Kingdom of God to be unleashed upon the earth Once And For All: