Brannon Howse joins with Jim Wallis in fight against Glen Beck

Brannon Howse joins with Jim Wallis in fight against Glen Beck.


It seems that we have lost two great truth warriors who have decided to fight with Jim Wallis against Glenn Beck. Both Ken Silva and Brannon Howse have joined forces with Jim Wallis thus shaking the ODM world with a mighty blast of horrifying blasphemy! More to come later.

3 Responses to Brannon Howse joins with Jim Wallis in fight against Glen Beck

  1. […] Beck powers have mutated—becoming SHAT—the antiBeckian Shark-Cat. Quite frankly we are disappointed with all the liberalism and apostasy in our very Discernmentalist ranks.  We are not surprised with liberal apostates Wallis and McLaren being ungodly and […]


  2. Willyg says:

    Brannon Howse is either confused or misleading on purpose I am not sure which. I know his wrongly interpreting the Bible will only hurt those not having a strong believe and understanding of the gospel.

    He lies about the LDS religion so badly he could be considered a Science Fiction writer.


  3. Brannon Howse is a solid man of the faith of Christianity. Glenn Beck is a Mormon intent on spreading Mormonism.


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