Ingrid of Slice of Laodicea: The closet Roman Catholic?



I again was shocked! Often Ingrid will echo Ken Silva’s well educated stance that everything Roman Catholic is evil, bad, satanic and antichrist. We here all know that there is no way that God will and wants to save those Roman Catholics. Yet, once again I was shocked and totally let down when I read this:


I recently watched a program on EWTN, the Catholic TV channel. While I disagree on some things, their teachings on family and God’s plan for motherhood is beautiful and helpful, and is utterly absent in freak show evangelical television.


Once again we begin to wonder if there is a secret agenda that is contrary to true Discernmentalism. It was only since Christmas that I pointed out that Ken Silva stated that observing Advent was RCC and not acceptable and Ingrid was excited that she was going to observe Advent! Ken did nothing in rebuking Ingrid and failed at his duty to warn others of this major slip! So we will fill the gap and your heads with the Truth as we perceive it and let it be warned, Ingrid is under the influence of the RCC and should be suspect as Richard Foster, Dallas Willard and any others who used teachings from the RCC.







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