Miss California Exposed!


Ingrid from Slice of Laodicea notes”  “Here’s yesterday’s “Just a Thought” from Tony Miano’s blog. Well said, Tony. Thank you.Tony wrote more fully on the subject here.

(Photo: Carrie Prejean, Miss California. Photo had to be cropped for modesty and even that didn’t work too well.) WOW Ingrid (thank-you!!!), you are very very holy, thank goodness for your bible-cropping and concern for modesty – and even making the claim of modest is even MORE modest.

ODmafia, being MORE humble, modest, prudish, diligent, conservative and Biblically minded made sure that the model photo met our high standards of decency and therefore we made adjustments to suit our audience. We apologize to our audience for exposing so much flesh. Please do not judge us.

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