Truthslayer And Don Jobson Present…


Nothing But The Truth: a new film that is all about the Absolute Truth from the producers of “They Came From Beyond….Modernism” and Nothing But The Truth Films. Nothing But The Truth stars Truthslayer, Don Jobson and all your other favorite ODMs as they seek to expose all to the Truth and nothing but the Truth by our own standards of Absolute Truth. Nothing But The Truth is a film that is sure to thrill and delight Discernmentalists for ages to come.

Ken Silva raves: “Nothing But The Truth contains more Truth than Emergents or my other enemies care to comprehend.”

The Wretched Ways Of The Master Religion Discernmentalism crew exclaims: ” Nothing But The Truth contains every major Truth that we care about from both John MacArthur’s Study Bible and Worldviewpedia, the free Christian Worldview encyclopedia—our inerrant and infallible insider  sources for all Absolute Truth.

Sharin’ Whiplash says excitedly: “Finally a film that proclaims ‘nothing but the Truth’ about why the rank apostasy of the Roman Arminian Free-Will loving  Pelagian based Religion of Modern Evangelicalism is the most “insidious and dangerous” threat facing the world of the Church today. How dare Arminians proclaim that God loves everyone even those whom He created for the sole purpose of sending to Hell for God has no obligation to love anyone–none whatsoever period.”

James White agrees and notes that ‘Nothing But The Truth captures John MacArthur’s Truth Wars™ brilliantly and is a definitive statement on the Pure Doctrines of our Absolute Truth of God’s Absolute Sovereign Wrath towards all but a few as John MacArthur Truthfully and solemnly proclaims:’

“Liberal thinking about God’s love also permeates much of evangelicalism today. We have lost the reality of God’s wrath. We have disregarded His hatred for sin. The God most evangelicals now describe is all-loving and not at all angry. We have forgotten that “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31). We do not believe in that kind of God anymore.

We must recapture some of the holy terror that comes with a right understanding of God’s righteous anger. We need to remember that God’s wrath does burn against impenitent sinners (Psalm 38:1-3). That reality is the very thing that makes His love so amazing. Only those who see themselves as sinners in the hands of an angry God can fully appreciate the magnitude and wonder of His love.

In that regard, our generation is surely at a greater disadvantage than any previous age. We have been force-fed the doctrines of self-esteem for so long that most people don’t really view themselves as sinners worthy of divine wrath. On top of that, religious liberalism, humanism, evangelical compromise, and ignorance of the Scriptures have all worked against a right understanding of who God is. Ironically, in an age that conceives of God as wholly loving, altogether devoid of wrath, few people really understand what God’s love is all about.”

Rhoblogy proclaims: “Finally a Truly Christian film that understands ‘nothing but the Truth’ about the Absolute Sovereignty of our Pure Doctrines which are the Absolute Truth. I recomend this film to all (and by all I mean only the Truly Regenerated Elect) True Bible-Believing Republican Christians!”

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