“Who Wants to be a Discernmentalist” gets summer revival

April 25, 2009

“Who Wants trealo be a Discernmentalist” — the television quiz show about truth warriors that heralded a flood of reality programing on U.S. television like “Big Discernment Brother and Survivor: Truth Warrior Edition” — will return to prime time screens in late summer.

Original host from Slice of Laodicea will be back to host the show.

The show, which was created in America, and its popular line “Will you answer the question – are you a heretic?”  a smash hit. Rating began to plummet when contestants where unable to discern heresy as quick as audiences had originally hoped.

Obama To Deploy 4,000 Pentagon Discernmentalists In Afghanistan

April 25, 2009

obAccording to Reuters “The United States will deploy 4,000 extra Discernmentalists to train Afghan truth forces in a revamp of its Afghan strategy that aims to disrupt Emergents  and roll back the advances of the Emerging Church at large through meaningless arguments, fuzzy logic, guilt by association and misinformation, and squabbling over non-essentials.”

We expect sound bible teaching to spread throughout the middle east once Emergents are killed off.