Exploding heretic caught on telescope, special visor used to view

April 30, 2009


(DNN) Eric  Barger of Take A Stand Ministries got an alert early last Thursday morning when their Bible Based Satellite System known as BS detected a 10-second blast of energy known as a heresy ray burst coming from outer space.

Telescopes around the world swiveled to focus on the explosion, soon picking up infrared radiation, which is produced after heresy rays in this kind of event. Barger was ready to view the visible light, with a special bible based truth visor.

It never arrived.

“We were kind of blown away. We immediately knew what that meant,” Barger said.

What it meant was that he was looking at the oldest thing ever spotted — an enormous heretic exploding 6 000 years ago.

“At that point the age of the universe was only 300 years old,” he said. In other words, Barger said, he was looking “95 percent of the way back to the beginning of time.”

The heretic which exploded was 30 to 100 times larger than Rob Bell and Tony Campolo combined, and it gave off  “about million times the amount of energy John Hagee could in his end time sermons in entire lifetime,” Barger told DNN by phone from Discernmentalist University, where he is an assistant professor of discernmentalism of distance objects.

Chris Rosebrough of Extreme Theology slips into Emerging Heresy!

April 30, 2009





As I was monitoring the discern mentalist world I came across Chris Rosebrough’s Extreme Theology blog. Sadly I read a quote by G.K Chesterton there. I hope Chris understands that that it is heresy to quote someone that Brian McLaren often quotes in his books. Repent of this sin… be careful you who associate with Chris as Chesterton is only one degree of separation from Brian McLaren who leans heavily on Chesterton’s theology. Note also that Chesterton was a ROMAN CATHOLIC! Note also that Liberal site Soujourners often quotes Chesterton! Repent Chris… repent!

Rob Bell Refuses Unnecessary debate

April 30, 2009

bellA very candid Bell informed his congregation on Sept 12, 2005 to not expend unnecessary energy on debate but to instead use it for more productive venues.  Of course we at ODMafia insist that he debate us and expend more time on doctrinal differences…. especially our minor pet doctrines that place you in or out of the kingdom.

Online Discernment Ministries also  demand that Rob Bell outline every belief, thought and word that he preaches…. it is OUR RIGHT to know all  and criticize as we see fit  so that truth can remain safe and secure in ODM arms. So far Rob Bell will not participate in any reindeer games enraging ODMs across the world.